- 01. I am forever
02. I am a nightmare
03. I am consumed
04. I am an echo
05. I am love
06. I am legion
07. I am misguided
08. I am a volcano
09. I am a witness
10. I am not ready to let go
11. I am letting goMAIIJA
I Am
[engl] Who is Marilies Jagsch? With the debut album I AM of her new project MAIIJA, the musician provides us with an answer that raises many questions while exploring the zeitgeist. “I am not who you think I am. I could be anyone”, states the accompanying text of the album. On the cover: a barely recognizable face. The self introducing itself here is interchangeable, it slips into various roles and acquires different meanings depending on the perspective. For her current project Marilies Jagsch teamed up with producer Peter Paul Aufreiter (Hearts Hearts) and invited some of Vienna’s most exciting musicians such as Lukas Lauermann (Cello) Emily Stewart (Violine, Viola), Gernot Scheithauer (drums) to record the eleven tracks of the album I AM, that is going to be released in September 2023 on Noise Appeal Records.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 15.09.2023
- EAN 9120083371673
- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 15.09.2023
- EAN 9120083371734
Mehr vom Label »Noise Appeal«
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"Aus dem österreichischen Graz poltert uns diese brutale Abrissbirne, bestehend aus derbem Hardcore, Crustcore, etwas Metal und fast schon Grindcore, entgegen. Ab der zweiten Hälfte des Albums öffnBUG
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15 Jahre Bandgeschichte, neu aufgerollt auf 4 Singles. Jeder Track mit Gastmusikern aus der österreichischen Szene