- 01. Something‘s In The Air
02. Won‘t Let Fear In
03. Last Night
04. Marina
05. Goddess
06. White Dress
07. Tell Me
08. Aha
09. Come CloserHONSHU WOLVES
Cosmic Creature Capture
[engl] Please welcome Honshu Wolves, today’s Delta Blues Desert Gospel Space Punk Sensation from Berne, Switzerland. Lead by Maryanne Shewolf, she and her small wolf pack Fabu and Mige are creating and functioning out of Zaffaraya, an alternative trailer park in the middle of Switzerland’s capital Berne, which definitely makes them outsiders in their own country. It’s a living and creating on the edge that could anytime be stopped by the police so you have to live every day as it comes. Unpredictable and free - just as the Honshu Wolves’ music. Maryanne Shewolf became a mother in a very early stage of her life, which left no space for drug escapades. So she built her spaced out world upon her music. „I immerse myself and put myself on a trip and forget everything around me. And when it hits me right, I know that it will affect others too,“ she says. She creates her music inspired by live shows of Spiritualized, Make Up, Alan Vega, Royal Trux or her longtime partner's band Roy & the Devil’s Motorcycle. She also gets her inspiration from PJ Harvey, Solki, Nina Simone or Jessie Mae Hemphill whom she admires all because they sing the blues and tell stories from the point of view of independent strong and yet fragile women.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 14.04.2021
Shine On Me
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A poison tree
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Flamenco Trash
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