
Sounds of Subterrania

  • 01. In Motion
    02. My Love Is Gone
    03. I See, I See
    04. O, Oblivion
    05. Not my Love
    06. End Of The Line
    07. Ride
    08. Soft Kill
    09. Birds
    10. Gentle Rain
    11. Rise
    12. Hex
    13. Don’t Bury Me Before I’m Dead



    [engl] Third album from this flaming Flamish/ Dutch Four-Piece - the second on Sounds of Subterrania. Guitar, bass, harmonica and drums. The basic tools you need to grind out solid, loud, prime crawl, top notch rock’n’roll. “The stuff that don’t save souls” as Lux Interior puts it! Featuring 13 songs of love (both good and all gone wrong), death, life and just general fucking around on a daily basis. Stuff you can relate to. As a huge fan of the superb Belgien beers I would love to write something clever about this record and relate it to Quadruples and Trappists and Saisons, but fuck that for now. This goes perfectly with loads of lager - preferably in big glasses - and cheap alchohol! Kicks off in perfect style with what you think is an instrumental with an in-your-face harmonica solo followed by a blistering guitar! But what for it! “In Motion” dives into a perfect little r’n’r tune with a certain Memphis feel to it - heavily amplified by the chorus line “Strong Come On” I’m sure fans of Reigning Sounds and Oblivians will have a small (drunken) smile on their face while listening to this fine slab of hard bluesy rock action. My original plan was NOT to mention “O, Oblivian!” but there you go… There is a certain laid back 70s rock inspiration sprinkled all over the record recalling splendid bands like The Dictators, MC5 and Rory Gallagher during his “Top Priority” and “Stage Struck” era. Songs like “My Love is Gone” and “Soft Kill” are knee deep stuck in the best sounds of the 60s rock tradition. However these guys never sound retrospective or old-school. Totally fresh and rocking in a free new world of people who actually believe that true rock’n’roll never dies. Short, sharp, to-the-point compositions with no superflous bullshit or pointless ideas. You even get a one and a half minute ballad and a two minute country tune - electric spaghetti style! I feel like writing motherfucker now, but I can’t really get it context. Wait a minute! Maybe “motherfucker” is the best way to describe these four fine fellows. I’m sure that is the word I’ll be throwing at them next time I see them live! Closing number “Don’t Bury Me Before I’m Dead” is a plus four (no pun intended) minutes bluesy death rock tune, not unlike something Jeffrey Lee Pierce could have written on a good day (if he had any good days that is). Sheer class!
    EAN 4260016922505
  • cover

    SLICE 49

    Out of time

    ( Sounds Of Subterrania) VG+/EX
  • 01. erase
    02. dark mind
    03. howl
    04. no harm
    05. come around
    06. rytm of the night
    07. u wish
    08. stay
    09. ravens bark
    10. shut your face
    11. no love song
    12. got away
    13. take it back


    cradle of snake

    „... Postpunk mit Garage-Anleihen und HC-Attitüde. Ein charmant frickeliges Schlagzeug gibt den Beat vor, der erst zum tanzen einlädt nur um direkt im Anschluss eine Straßenschlacht auslösen zu wollen. Darüber hämmern knackige Synthiebeats, eine herrlich garagig, an gezerrte Gitarre und nicht zu vergessen die kreischigen Grrrl-Vocals von Mia. Ein Juwel so disco und poppy einerseits und zugleich so brachial und nach vorn, dass es einem die Fußnägel aufrollen will.“ Diese Sätze stammen nicht von mir, sondern von meinem Kumpel Tobi und eigentlich kann und möchte man diesem dann auch nicht mehr wirklich was hinzufügen. Mia, Tess und Madleine machen Musik eben auch nicht erst seid gestern und die Namen ihrer Vorgängerbands Kamikaze, Meine kleine Deutsche, Nighterror, L'Obscurité sind jedem der sich mit skandinavischer Musik beschäftigt schon einmal vor die Füße gefallen. Zudem gelingt es SNAKE auf ihrem Erstling halt alles richtig zu machen, indem sie sich mehr auf den Punk als auf das Post beziehen. Dieser Dreh bringt den Tacken Härte der in der heutigen Zeit zu oft fehlt. „Cradle of Snake“ strotzt nur so vor ungestümer Energie und bleibt nur noch zu schreiben, das nicht nur „Got Away“ ist ein verdammter Hit am tristen Veröffentlichungshimmel ist.
    LP [incl.DC]
    EAN 4260016921461
  • 01. erase
    02. dark mind
    03. howl
    04. no harm
    05. come around
    06. rytm of the night
    07. u wish
    08. stay
    09. ravens bark
    10. shut your face
    11. no love song
    12. got away
    13. take it back


    cradle of snake

    auf 100 Stück limitierte Special Edition.
    LP lim
  • 01. Sea of Love
    02. Haunted


    Sea of Love / Haunted

    Mia’s („Meine kleine Deutsche“) neue Band. Wild verzerrte Gitarren, trashiges Schlagzeug und ein dreckiger alter Synthesizer. Anfang 2014 in Södermalm, Stockholm geboren wuchs dieses kleine Noise-Biest zu einer ausgewachsenen Schlange heran. Und das schnell! Drei alte Freunde, eine neue Band, neue Melodien, neue Rythmen und noch mehr Noise. Giftig und verwurzelt im meist analog gehaltenen Garagepunk-Undergrounds Schwedens. Dunkel und düster ohne dabei in Emo-Cliches zu verfallen. Roh und hart ohne dabei zu sehr mit klassischen Hardcore/Punk-Elementen zu spielen. Ein Monat nach der Gründung von SNAKE standen sie erstmals auf der Bühne um danach ganz Schweden von Umea im Norden bis in den Süden gemeinsam mit Bands wie den China-Punks „Fan Zui Xian Fa“ oder den medial gehypten Hipstern von „Bass Drum Of Death“ in den Arsch zu treten.
    EAN 4260016921454
  • 01. Undreams
    02. Shame and blame
    03. Go
    04. Silence Violence
    05. Hibernate
    06. Smile
    07. Falling
    08. Lost Girl
    09. The defrost
    10. Make a scene



    [engl] In Germany, there is a word called Gram, which is not so common anymore and describes a persistent, gnawing sorrow. In my quest to put into words the music of "Undreams," the second album from the Stockholm-based three-piece band, this word kept coming to mind. Fascinatingly frozen by the fragile beauty in which the songs are written, the minimalist, unfiltered rawness captivates me and yet always reflects the sound of this brokenness on one's own being like a mirror. "Undreams" comes seven years after the debut album "Cradle of Snake". These seven years have done the band more than good. The dark sound of their songs has nothing in common with the adolescent melancholy of some contemporaries. It is not egocentric or even narcissistic, but and forgive me this word, because it is equally uncommon in this context, caring. He wraps you gently like your favorite blanket on a gray autumn day, gives you soft, flickering light on a nightly walk, he comforts quietly, knowing full well that danger is not banished by a hum, he says the world is not a good place, but we have it in our hands, as long as we stick together, to change that. It may sound presumptuous, but "Undreams" showcases all the skills Mia, Tess and Frankie have acquired over the years in their bands and solo projects. It is an album drawn by life experience, dark, but also powerful, thunderous, energetic. "Undreams" is an album of three women who face life in all its facets. It was recorded, like the previous one, by Stefan Brändström at The Dustward Studio in Stockholm. Snake wanted to get as close as possible to the atmosphere of the rehearsal room and make the album a reflection of what the band heard and felt during rehearsals. "With the power of 'Me Too' in our hearts, we've been working through the album process since the wave in 2017. We think it's a darker album, but also with a glimmer of hope. We've found that we can be strong together, share difficult experiences and use them to make ourselves heard. We address teenage angst, the fear of getting older, love, grief, and the struggle to put the shame and guilt where it belongs."
  • 01. Tired Of This Time
    02. Nobody But Me
    03. Monkey Business
    04. Down Town
    05. Sons Of Cyrus
    06. The Fast Can't Lose
    07. Going Down
    08. Didn't Know
    09. The Warriors
    10. Sonic Riot
    11. I Need You Baby
    12. Street Fighting Man
    13. A Lonesome Boy
    14. Devil With A Blue Dress On / Good Golly Miss Molly
    15. Zardoz
    16. Nothing Matters Anymore
    17. What To Do
    18. Begging Me For More
    19. Switzerland
    20. Fate


    Can you Dig It

    Die Geschichte des Rock’n’Roll ist auch eine Geschichte der Missverständnisse. Eine dieser falschen Auslegungen betrifft das Wort Sex (verewigt in der beru?hmtesten aller Phrasen). Ich bin der festen U?berzeugung, daß im Rock’n’Roll Hauptanziehungsgrund und Attraktivität nicht die Vorstellung an die schno?de Vereinigung korpulierender Körper, sondern vielmehr die sinnliche Ausstrahlung der Kunst und seiner Interpreten an sich ausmachen. Ein in diesem Zusammenhang meiner Meinung nach oft bewußt falsch eingesetztes Argument ist die überbordende Maskulinität. Bei genauer Betrachtung sind Muskelmänner allerdings eher die Ausnahme. Warum ich diese Einleitung wähle? Vor 25 Jahren, zum Beginn der Hochzeit des skandinavischen Rocks, gründet sich in Stockholm eine Band, deren Musik und Songs ich bis heute ohne zu Zögern mit den Worten sexy, lustvoll, anziehend, verführerisch oder auch erotisch bezeichnen würde. Diese Band, gestartet von vier schma?chtigen Jungs, machte all das, was für mich diese Großartigkeit dieses Genres verkörperte. Der Rock, den ich mag, war immer der Rock der Straße und nicht der Stadien, der Rock der Underdogs und nicht der cleveren Unternehmer. Es war der Rock, der seine Funktionalita?t eben nicht aus meterhohen Verstärkertürmen, sondern eben aus der Sexyness der souligen Songs zog. Die Rede ist von Sons of Cyrus, vielleicht eine der am meisten unterbewertetsten Bands dieser Gattung. Gegru?ndet 1996 von Erik, Love, Mackie und Topi, spa?ter dann, nachdem Erik die Band verließ, weitergefu?hrt mit Max und Torgny an der Harmonika, spielen sie 3 Alben und 7 Singles ein. Alle Songs zeichnet eine wohltuende Schnoddrigkeit aus, sie wirken wie die durch die Zahnlücke gedrückten Pfiffe einer Bande Straßenjungs. Frech, anmaßend und unverschämt. Sie wollen nicht wissen, was die Welt kostet, denn diese gehört ihnen bereits. Diese DoppelLP vereint verschiedenen Singles und Samplerbeiträge und ist für mich ein Dankeschön an all die tollen Erinnerungen, die ich mit ihnen und durch sie hatte und für dich eine nette Gelegenheit, endlich mal wieder toll geilen Garagenpunk zu kaufen.
  • cover


    I want your blood

    Neue 7" der Stockholmer. limitiert auf 300 copies, Siebdruckcover!
  • 01. She lived on the edge
    02. Girls Girls
    03. It is true
    04. Latest style
    05. Promised land
    06. Out of my mind
    07. The man that makes you sober
    08. Propaganda



    Eine neue Platte der Schweden ist immer wieder gerne gesehen, zumal Sons Of Cyrus bislang auf keinem einzigen ihrer Tonträger auch nur ansatzweise enttäuscht haben! Und da bildet "Trigger-happy" auch keine Ausnahme! Alles in allem gibt es acht neue, wieder von Hellacopters Produzent Chips Kiesbye aufgenommene Songs, die nahtlos an die beiden Vorgänger Alben "Rock & Rollercoaster" bzw. das gleichnamige Debüt anschlie?en. Als grö?ten Trumpf kann man sicherlich Sänger Loverboy sehen, der mit seinen klaren, unheimlich souligen Vocals den Sound der Band prägt, aber auch die anderen Söhne sind nicht von schlechten Eltern! Zwischen nach vorne powerndem, straighten Garage Punk mit leichtem Sixties Flair und höllisch rockenden Raw Power Riffs treiben sie Songs wie "Promised land", "She lived on the edge" oder "It is true" immer druckvoll nach vorne. Alle Stücke haben diesen unterschwelligen Radio Birdman Vibe und wer die Sons Of Cyrus bislang noch nicht kennt, sollte spätestens jetzt die Gelegenheit nutzen!!
  • Sophisticated Vinyl Association


  • SoS - Einkaufsbeutel


    zweiseitig bedruckt, besteht endlich die Möglichkeit das Pfand stilvoll zu entsorgen.
  • SoS - Einkaufsbeutel

    Pack 1

    Beutel + 2 Platten meiner Wahl limitiert auf 33 Stück
  • SoS - Einkaufsbeutel

    Pack 2

    Beutel + 3 CDs meiner Wahl limitiert auf 45 Stück
  • 01. New Situation
    02. Stars
    03. I Drink
    04. Outside
    05. Dirty Sheets
    06. Almost Lost
    07. Try Me
    08. Unsure
    09. The Night Before
    10. Women In Magazines
    11. Came To Say Hello
    12. I Know Now



    The Stereotypes verbinden wunderschöne Rickenbacker Hymnen mit australischem 80er Power Pop und dezenten Velvets Feedbackteppichen zu wirklich erstklassigen, vielschichtigen Garage Pop Songs. Wenn bei Songs wie "The night before" dann noch diese leicht verzerrten "Megaphon Vocals" dazu kommen, darf man auch mal getrost an die Strokes denken. Die absolut perfekte Sommer Platte!!
    EAN 4260016920617
    LP 180gr
    EAN 4260016920600
  • 01. Bleed me
    02. Natural
    03. Doing time
    04. Look so easy
    05. Going time
    06. No good
    07. Good time blues
    08. Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
    09. Rock bitch
    10. Televise it too
    11. Miss you
    12. Abuse you like a dog


    12 cuts

    [engl] The Stilettos are a Utrecht based 3-piece band consisting of lead singer Ned Harris, drummer RockstarBarry and guitar swinger extraordinaire Drs. Hook. They paid their dues, learned to play the blues and put on their rockin' shoes.The Stilettos share a passion for fucked up, noisy as hell punk rock 'n' roll. They're loud, fast, raw, and eager to raise hell and still manage to maintain that overall make-you-feel-good sentiment. It's groovy, high-energy garage rock 'n' roll. RockstarBarry: ''we love to play and one-day this planet and its crazy shenanigans will come to a stop. The Stilettos want to be on the soundtrack to the next Big Bang, after which people will be dancing again. Savagely, around huge campfires, beating homemade drums with human bones, screaming for what they need and not what they want...'' Up Yours' Magazine from Belgium called them: ''way more threatening and horrifying than hundreds of sleeping Al Quajda terrorist cells.'' But they're nice guys with girlfriends, who love their parents. They come out like the mutated baby of a menage à trois between The Ramones, The Pagans and The Rolling Stones, born and bred on a steady diet of beer, marihuana and love gone bad...
    LP 180gr
  • 01. No time to waste
    02. Feeling all righ
    03. Rachael
    04. You're so rock 'n roll
    05. I want you
    06. Doing fine
    07. You want it
    08. Wanna wanna
    09. Combat zone
    10. Tell it to your face
    11. Nothing to show for
    12. What to do with my time
    13. Grandmother is a total stranger


    Making history by repeating it

    Die neue Platte der Holländer knüpft nahtlos an den Vorgänger "12 cuts" an und zeigt das Trio in bestechend guter Form! Auch hier gibt es schnellen, schön druckvoll gespielten Garage Punk mit leichter Blues und Trash'n'Roll Note. Columbian Neckties, New Bomb Turks und Co. lassen wieterhin grüssen!
    LP 180gr
  • 01. Baby
    02. I got Love
    03. Donna
    04. Rat
    05. Fool.
    06. Hot Fun
    07. Want Some
    08. Why
    09. Angel
    10. Dally Grind


    Come on and feel the Love

    [engl] The Love is the lovechild of Bob Belmans who after a lifetime in the dark finally takes his place in the spotlight. Like a Shaggy Roy Orbison he seduces you with his silky voice to take you then with him to the dark caverns of nasty garage-rock and deranged 60s soul. Bob Belmans was writing songs anonymously for years in his garden house, just keeping them to himself, until he felt like the time had come out and let the world hear about it. He gathered experienced forces of the Belgian underground around him with a history in bands like El Guapo Stuntteam, The Sha-la-lees, The Sore Losers and JFJ. They went to the mountains and came back two days later with ten songs about love and life, all recorded in one tumultuous weekend. No overdubs, no backing tracks, just catching the honesty and raw energy of the songs, as real as it gets. Being influenced by all things Motown, 70’s New York cool and that classic early rock and roll sound, it all comes together in a guitar driven, straightforward modern day garagerock record. Expect excitement, expect a mess, expect realness, but it won’t be boring and that’s a promise.
    EAN 4260016922246
  • 01. Government Whore


    Government Whore

    [engl] Limited on 100 copies. One side etched.
    7" lim
  • 01. Switch
    02. Hollywood Smile
    03. What’s New
    04. Worms
    05. Salaryman
    06. Government Whore
    07. Somewhere
    08. The Bitter Pill
    09. Parking Lot
    10. Complexe


    Hollywood Smile

    [engl] Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Desire, an everlasting grip of that youthful energy, that fire and fury you felt playing a style of music that gives you a lifelong addiction and appreciation. If you’ve once been part of that certain something, that became part of your identity, it never lets you go. Drummer Sascha, bassist Jan, guitarists Philipp and Tobias know how it is getting older but still feeling the fire. The four friends shook up the scenes out of Frankfurt in the 90s and 00s. They played in different bands, they toured Europe and the US of A, they were mods, punks, hardcore kids. And they never lost their connection and love for their music. That’s why they got together some years back, rehearsing and writing songs just for the heck of it. Out of pure desperation the four of them were thinking about staying a goddamn instrumental band, maybe working with projections and shit to fog the fact that there was something initial missing: a singer. The road was calling their names, and they wanted to play shows and let you and you and you know what they got... So, they gave it one last try to find somebody to fill the void behind the mic. What helped was a platform – basically Tinder for musicians – to find that certain somebody. They kept it simple and only dropped one thing: #blackflag. On the other side of the screen there is Sam, a mystical, ghostly punkrock fairy. Sam shares that same hashtag, and she wants to sing. So, why not give it a try? Sam takes the offer, shows up in the rehearsal space, and the rest is history. Sam owns it. Sam is prepared. Sam can sing, scream, kick ass and has the lyrics to back it all up! On different occasions they now set stages on fire. They played a sweaty show in a packed Molotow cellar at Reeperbahn Festival, they joined the “Female Fronted Is Not A Genre” festival at legendary SO36 in Berlin and took the place by storm. They are ready. They were born ready. And they have that record to prove it. As any classic hardcore/punk LP it’s almost over before it started. Ten songs in twenty minutes. That’s the way. I Am A God sets the tone: “You think that I’m a girl?”, Sam asks, “Let me tell you I am a god/ And you know that I’m heaven sent.” What else would Sam be? The legendary hashtagged Californian hardcore icons drip out of every note here. This is old-school knowledge, played today. Fast, furious, and packed with energy. But it’s way more than just a bland tribute. It’s a middle-finger that finds its own direction. Salary Man allows itself a certain amount of melody – also carried by Sam who obviously can do more than bellow. Or Somewhere that shows that The Pill is a more dimensional band that can even Hüsker Dü things up if they are willing to. The Bitter Pill presents itself surprisingly angular and kind of melancholic. And What’s New almost makes its way into post-hardcore territory. Inbetween Switch and Off give you all the Greg Ginn vs. Dez Cadena your damaged souls were desperately striving for.
    EAN 4260016922314
  • 01. Cheat on me
    02. Do the Dave
    03. Time out
    04. Do you mind at all?
    05. So cruel
    06. Don’t push me around
    07. Let go
    08. Without Love
    09. Don’t believe you no more
    10. It’s cold outside
    11. Tigers of Doom



    [engl] The Tigers of Doom were founded in Berlin in autumn 2003 and since then they left numerous traces of devastation. Damaged eardrums, sprained limbs, holes in livers and stomachs, gaps in the brain – it’s all the Tigers’ fault. And they’re only a duo! But they are noisy like a troop of wild animals. GoGo Gero plays all the rhythms of the jungle on his minimalist drum kit, and his singing stretches from energetic shouting to soulful crooning. And Asphalt Tiger: the high-tensed wires of his guitar are always on the edge of blasting; the sound that he drives through the amplifier terrifies man and animal. Now Sounds of Subterrania will release the first Long player of the Tigers of Doom: eleven songs of dirty Rhythm’n’Blues, Punkrock and Garage. One asks: where does this raw energy come from? Well, the Tigers of Doom were locked away in a recording room for an entire week, and they wanted nothing else than to break out. Their music is an effort to remember their days of freedom, to envision a better world devoid of cages and chains, and to make a sacrifice to there mythical forefathers which they ate up, to magically strengthen their selves. The Oblivians, the Gories, Alex Chilton, Agent Orange, Black Flag and the Sonics – from early time on they were the natural nourishment of these two carnivores. Since their childhood days the Tigers love to play this wild garage punk: GoGo Gero previously together with Ten Buck Fuck, Asphalt Tiger as a member of Metal Disco U.S.A. and Action Team. They’re getting better every day! We can hear it: meanwhile the senses of the Tigers of Doom are dangerously sharpened, and their stringy limbs are of an unbelievable tension. What do the Tigers of Doom believe in? After the apocalypse jungles, savannahs and swamps will spread out everywhere. Collecting fruit, trapping, going fishing, ripping wild animals and eating them at a blazing camp-fire, and party-hardying all night long: thus the days will pass away, and each morning will be new and strange. The Tigers of Doom play the sound of the nearby future this very day.
    LP 180gr
  • cover


    Packed to the rafters

    Es ist schon ein Phänomen warum gerade die ganzen Skandinavier eine hervorragende Band nach der anderen hervorbringen. Nicht ganz ohne Bedeutung dürfte allerdings die Tatsache sein, daß da oben (speziell in Oslo!) musikalisch absolute Inzucht herrscht! Bei den Tip Toppers (bekannt von einer Sneakers 7" bzw. dem "Popgun 2000" Sampler auf Screaming Apple) musizieren beispielsweise Leute von den Yum Yums, Gluecifer und Kwyet Kings, die unter musikalischer Leitung eines ansonsten unbeleckten Sängers & Songwriters elf absolut Hit-verdächtige Stücke eingespielt haben. Herausgekommen ist dabei eine Mischung aus den super eingängigen Hymnen der Yum Yums, schnellen, knackigen Psychotic Youth Rockern und treibendem, Orgel dominiertem Sixties Power Pop. Dementsprechend ist "Packed to the rafters" ein Non Stop Tour de Force Ritt durch das Power Pop Punk Universum und eine verdammt geniale Platte.
  • 01. Turnin` Around
    02. Sha-ra-ra Randez Vous
    03. Lies,Lies,Lies
    04. Bad Times Roll
    05. Never Can Say Goodbye
    06. Beat Collector
    07. Waiting For My Girlfriend
    08. Work Out Fine
    09. Listen My Girl
    10. Change Your Mind
    11. When You Let Me In
    12. Canadian Fever


    Talkin' about Treeberrys

    [engl] The Treeberrys are celebrating great and absolutely stylish 6t's pop, you wouldn't find it made much better even way back in 1966 and love being very authenic and they're taking it to the max. You will feel the spirit of the Beatles on every little chord the guys around mastermind Hiroaki Watarai are playing.
  • 01. (Ah, Ah) Just Can’t Wait
    02. Silly Girl
    03. My Girl
    04. Random Pickin‘
    05. Don’t Worry Rossie
    06. A Little Time
    07. Down
    08. Mighty Melody
    09. Just Remember The Days
    10. Everything About You



    [engl] Here's a new album by the japanese favorite chorus group, and it includes their newest hit, ''My Girl'' It's a new kind of song for the Treeberrys. All the things you've heard until now have had that great rockin' british beat - the style that made these fabulous young performers just about the biggest thing in the country. ''My Girl'' is entirely different. It's a wonderful ballad, and if you haven't already heard the guys do it, you have a treat in store for you. This song is fast becoming the romantic ballad of the day, and it's making thousands of new friends for the boys. And for the old friends of the Treeberrys there's plenty of that good old british beat too. As you already know, they're fabulous - all the way!
    LP 180gr
  • 01. Bereit
    02. Standortvorteil
    03. Gott hat keine Flugzeuge
    04. 1970
    05. Mann in Uniform
    06. Das Ende der Experimente
    07. Rue Love
    08. Pop Anamour
    09. Mehr Rockelemente
    10. Was soll's
    11. 5 Uhr morgens
    12. Stopf alles rein
    13. Unsere Mission



    Langersehnt. Der Nachfolger zum Produkt. Natürlich die beste Platte.. blabla bla.. sonst hätten wir sie doch nicht gemacht. Hits ohne Ende.. supergenial... lest was alle anderen dazu schreiben. Eigenlob stinkt!
    LP 180gr