


    [engl] Four Latinos from Puerto Rico doing progressive music was not common back in the early 70s. Intensity played in many places in New York, mostly opening for Salsa and R&B bands. They were heavily influenced by Jimi Hendrix and also by the rock artists of their time, bands such as Gentle Giant, ELP, Yes, and many others, but they were creating their own brand of progressive rock. Long Tracks, Heavy Fuzz Thunderstorms…a delight fort he listeners ears!!!! In 1973 they went into the studio and recorded an album. This music is the only evidence of their existence as a band. A Band that was ahead of their time, a time when music was more than melodies. it was their dream. This LP was transferred from the only known acetate.sity played in many places in New York, mostly opening for Salsa and R&B bands. They were heavily influenced by Jimi Hendrix and also by the rock artists of their time, bands such as Gentle Giant, ELP, Yes, and many others, but they were creating their own brand of progressive rock. In 1973 they went into the studio and recorded. This music is the only evidence of the existence as a band that was ahead of their time, a time when music was more than melodies, it was their dream. This LP was transferred from the only known demo acetate in existence. Ray Serrano left his mark in Music history when he wrote Frantic Situation for Afrika Bambaataa , together with Arthur Baker & LeRoi Evans. It was immortalized on the Beat Street Soundtrack! He wrote several songs For Afrka Bambaataa as well as other Hip Hop Legends Like Cold Crush Brothers, Tashan, Lil' Jazzy Jay & Cool Supreme a well as playing in his own Bands Visual, Amoretto & Les Sun Rae just to name a few. Julio Virella had been Playing Jazz by the name of Virella but was also involved into early rap: Rita Lane ?– The Party's Live By the time they released this so they both were well into their 30s..imagine how wild and crazy these boys where when they where...16!!!!!

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