Long hard nights
The Deadbeats have specialized their style round Traditional Rock with a lot of influences from the 70`s. I will call their style Groovy Traditional Rock with a dose of everything from Hellacopters, The Angels, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Kiss. What impress me most with releases like this, is that it sounds so real and down to earth. All kinds of technical equipment is put a bit on the side, and with vocals, drums, guitars, bass and hammond, The Deadbeats prove that it`s still possible to make quality rock music.- Format
- LP
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- CD
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Mehr vom Label »Bootleg Booze«
Vision Express
Neue Band from Sindre Matre / Tip Toppers. Insgesamt etwas rockiger als die Tip Toppers. Und für alle Sammler gibts noch was oben drauf. Jede Plattenseite hat eine andere Farbe. Das ganze limitiert aTRAMP
Tramp ist die neue Band von Markus Karlsson (ex The Turpentines), Stefan Brändström (HFOS), Johannes Borgström (ex Captain Murphy) und Robert Eriksson (ex Hellacopters). Das komplette Album kommt aACCIDENTS, THE
Stigmata Rock'N'Rolli
[engl] Put on your dancin' shoes for this 10" fom the hillbilly punkrock'n'rollers The Accidents. 6 tracks of speedy and catchy-as-hell punk from these greasers which takes us back to the excelleJAKE STARR
I've Got Mine
[engl] Solo 7" single by Jake Starr (Adam West) together with The Hall Monitors from Washington DC. The Hall Monitors are a high-energy rocking garage band that are one of Little Steven's favorites. Also