- 01. Constant Fight
02. Scars
03. Earthlings
Trash Your Future
[engl] It's not an easy job to review your own releases without falling too much into a hysteria (!) about how amazing it is. Well... this is one of a real hard one since I think it´s absolutely amazing AND fantastic! - These 4 young ladies hailing from Gothenburg (Sweden) surprised me last CSE tour with their blistering and massive mixture of punk rock and the odd early nineties "L7" grunge influence while beating it into bits with a harsh and uncompromising d-beat / crustcore overtone. - Dual female vocals pointing social political lyrics and topics and 4 songs in total (CD version includes one extra track!) that will make you rave with fists in the air and your stereo wandering towards your room. Annoying your neighbors never was such fun before! All put together on this slap of 7" vinyl including great photography art by Christina Bloom and artwork from Igor Absorte - Get this... Honestly, this band is awesome.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 27.12.2009
Distorted State Of Mind
[engl] 10 years after their first full lenght "Pink Pollution" (which was followed by 4 further CDs & EPs), VICIOUS IRENE from Gothenburg, Sweden, are back with a brand new album! Within all these years of pVICIOUS IRENE
[engl] The third full length album by Göteborg's Grrrl-Käng outfit ""Vicious Irene"" is finally here and contains eleven storming tracks of shredding and bellicose feminist infused Grrrlcrust-Punk! Exp
Mehr vom Label »Ruin Nation«
Bruddstykker (Fractions)
[engl] This must be the wet dream of anybody who raves about classic norwegian Punk Rock with all of it's crucial and essential elements. This album has it all! A full on slap in the face with all the viFILTH OF MANKIND
The Final Chapter
[engl] A semi-legendary classic of 90'ties Polish CRUST is finally back in black. FILTH OF MANKIND not only took their name from an early MISERY song but also managed to put a ton of more heaviness on toIN IRATUS
Fallen Lassen
[engl] A young and new punk band formed by some dedicated activists from the Bremen area! Their first 8 recorded songs impressed us, both music wise and lyric wise, so much that we decided to help them out wHEVN
Extended Plays + Demo
[engl] 9 Tracks from both 7"s plus the entire 12 track demo on one disc to keep it available and affordable! HEVN is one of the most impressive exports from Oslo / Norway - this as a mix of a freshly more crCROSS STITCHED EYES
[engl] "Autosarcophagy" was recorded, arranged and mixed between 2016 and 2017 and finally finished 2020. Featured here are 8 tracks recorded just prior their final 2017 US Tour. Cross Stitched Eyes continueDISAFFECT
Still Chained (Discography)
[engl] "The entire discography of this shortlived but influential early nineties anarcho punk band from Glasgow, Scotland. This is fast-paced and shredding anarcho punk with little excursions into the crus