- 01. Martha - The Historian
02. Martha - Dom Kan Inte Hora Musiken
03. Benny The Jet Rodriguez - In Love
04. Benny The Jet Rodriguez - Wish You Were BeerMARTHA / BENNY THE JET RODRIGUEZ
[engl] Martha are probably the best English pop band of the last 10 years, everything they touch turns to gold. After last years perfect debut LP 'Courting Strong', here are two brand new songs, 'The Historian' and an amazing Masshysteri cover of 'Dom Kan Inte Höra Musiken'. Currently writing their 2nd LP, world domination awaits. Benny The Jet Rodriguez from San Pedro follow up their debut LP Home. Run on Recess Records with these new killer songs. I read somewhere that Benny the Jet Rodriguez find a balance between the simple and the complex, between yesterday and today. Lo-fi pop genius, can't get enough of this band.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 27.03.2015
Mehr vom Label »Drunken Sailor«
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Automatic Love
[engl] "We all know what teenagers are like. Bratty little gobshites. Moody shits. Forever toeing the line between cocky arrogance and whiny self-doubt, and to hell with anyone who gets caught in the crossfiHUMAN TROPHY
Corpse Dream
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[engl] Funny to think there was a time not so long ago when Stiff Richards was a name that required explanation - but not to you, of course, o punk connoisseur. This is your territory, after all. Music is yo