Mehr vom Label »Vendetta«
Starless Aeon
[engl] Formed in early 2013, Funerary came to pass by the adherence of five souls looking to coagulate in depression, grief, and anger. Finding solace in dwindling light, the band creates a musical presenceNEGATIVE STANDARDS
Finsterer Düster-Hardcore mit metallisch-crustiger Edge zwischen frühen Neurosis und Portland-Schule!VELNIAS
Sovereign nocturnal
Das Cover lässt vermuten wohin die Reise geht, kaum setzen die ersten Klänge ein, wird es zur Gewissheit, Velnias leisten mit "Sovereign Nocturnal" ihren Beitrag zu experimentellem Blackmetal. FinstCHAINBREAKER
[engl] potsdam/berlin based hardcore-punk outfit (with feature members of Y/SOLID DECLINE, CROWSKIN etc.). This one shows 6 aggressive, raging and pissed hardcore-punk tracks, comparable to heroes such as NHOLLOW SUNSHINE / THE AUSTRASIAN GOAT
[engl] Two solo dirging monsters team up. HS delivers a pummeling, industrial sewer while TAG goes rather eclectic ... the b-side features a wild blackened shoegaze meets industrial psych piece by way of a cCULT OF OCCULT / GRIM VAN DOOM
[engl] "The split album by the sludge bands Cult Of Occult and Grim Van Doom starkly contrast the two very different approaches that the two bands bring to the same genre. But, if anything, that contrast gra