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Debut release einer jungen Band aus Dublin, Irland, die sich ganz der Beat Musik verschrieben hat... allerdings nicht der sauberen, glatten Variante... Nicht ungleich der DUKES OF HAMBURG interpretieren sie Standards auf ihre ganz eigene charmante Weise.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 08.07.2011
Mehr vom Label »Bachelor«
Black Rose
[engl] Introducing KÜKEN from Hamburg, Germany. This is their first record, a two song 45, garage punkrock without any bullshit to sidetrack you from the impact. Guitar, bass, drums, two vocal lines all theBEAT BEAT
Nach ihrer collen 7" auf Spin the Bottle Records, hier nun das erste Album, aufgenommen von Matteo von den Mojomatics. Geboten wird einem cooler Powerpop/Garagenpunk.SONIC CHICKEN 4
[engl] After releasing a string of seven inches on NASTY PRODUCT, recieving glowing reviews in magazines, webzines and blogs across the globe, and playing dates in Europe and the USA, SONIC CHICKEN 4 inked aCHAOS
[engl] Austrian Punk band from Feldkirch, Vorarlberg - active 1977-1981. One of Austria's first punk bands, connected closely to the Swiss scene.SPACE RAFT
[engl] The hallmark of a great band is its ability to progress, to change from record to record. Even a brilliant debut cannot sustain a group throughout their entire career. Thankfully for music fans, Spac