- 01. Peace Of Our Time
02. Lying Again
03. Lose The Will
04. City Of Terror
05. Will It Regain
06. No More Patience To Speak
07. Conspiracy Accessory
08. No Way To Tell
09. Love Is Burned
10. Sex Is Damned
11. Reach For The Real
12. World Stops TurningDECADE
World Stops Turning
[engl] Originally released as a debut album just only on CD in 2018. D-beat inspired by late Discharge era.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 17.05.2023
- 01. indoctrination
02. cries
03. prejudice
04. last
05. freedomDEKONSTRUKT
[engl] First official release of the 5 crusties following up their demo in 2017. Dark and pissed off D-beat with female vocalist hailing from Ulm. Featuring members of KRAKE.- Format
- 10''
- Release-Datum
- 29.09.2018
- 01. Violence
02. Oppression
03. Barricade
04. Panique
05. A La Dérive
06. Plus Croire En Rien
07. Tension
08. Démocratie Agonie
09. Cauchemar
10. Au Pied Du MurDELETÄR
[engl] Between closed mines, abandoned factories and grey buildings rises DELETÄR. The city of St Etienne has been home of one of the most active french local punk scene for several decades. DELETÄR is one of the very few d-beat acts coming from the hexagone. This is their first album, get ready for 10 tracks of pummeling d-beat hardcore in the likes of TOTALITÄR, SKITKIDS, HERÄTYS and the likes, with some slight stadium rock to Burning Spirits elements. DELETÄR is made of current en ex members of LITIGE, STATE POISON, VOMIT FOR BREAKFAST, MOMS ON METH … It has been recorded and mixed their practice space and mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege. Corelease with DELETÄR’s drummer Befa label Kick Rock. Comes with a great artwork by GG Ranskalaiset.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 12.10.2019
- 01. Aokigahara
02. Un carton dans les mains
03. Pugilat
04. Vaterland
05. Sécurité Maximale
06. Pandemonium
07. Il ne reste qu'une ombre
08. Coup de schlass
09. Échec
10. Sacrifice
11. Horizon misèreDELETÄR
s/t (2)
[engl] Are you ready for a new dose of käng frenzy ? DELETÄR comes out with a second album which reaches an uncontrollable level of fury. Expect 11 tracks of raging totalitär-esque hardcore that crushes everything in its path and leaves no respite. DELETÄR manages to hit the target in every song and the intensity remains intact throughout the whole album. The songs are punctuated by striking slogans and assumed guitar epicness. In a genre that can sometimes go in circles, it is pleasant to hear something so exhilarating and stimulating.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 06.07.2023
Eine Rückbesinnung
[engl] This fully packed CD contains all DEPRESSION Vinyl-7"EPs, split-EPs and the split-10"LP from 1996 to 2006! So you´ll get all the long sold-out and hard-to-find releases like "Ein Hauch von Moder" Part I and II, "Die Zeiten ändern sich", "Und keiner weint uns nach", "Schatten", "Der Wahnsinnliche" and "Der Weg des Wassers". As bonus you get the very rare split-MC "Enjoy or die!" and a brutal live-version of the track "Infection"!! 47 songs in more than 78 minutes means value for money. The 20 pages booklet has all original covers, fotos, credits, linernotes and other extra stuff.- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 01.01.2009
[engl] Already released 10 years ago as part of a split CD (with Paganizer), the DEPRESSION part comes now out on vinyl. "Unbelief" reminds me of old material from PUNGENT STENCH, DISHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, CARCASS or ULCEROUS PHLEGM. Groovy, weird Death Grind of the very best. Originally DEPRESSION remains fat grooving and convince through their three-voice vocals between abyssal growls and MACABRE-like screams. The production leaves nothing to be desired. The 13 tracks (including a Benediction cover version) let all Grind and especially Death Metal freaks come to ecstasy. The vinyl version has been remastered and the artwork has been redesigned and liner notes added. Packed in a classy inside out cover- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.01.2018
- 01. Moment Of Destruction
02. Destruyendo Teles
03. Systematic Indoctrination
04. Deadly Pathogen
05. Eat 'N Shut Up
06. Warmind
07. Lenguas Venenosas
08. Trust In Your SelfDESTRIPADOS
Lenguas Venenosas
[engl] 360 copies, Screenprinted covers + Insert & Dowload code Apocalyptic d-beat (with battering drums and grinding bass) meets chainsawing Scandinavian raw punk on ‘Lenguas Venenosas’! Destripados feature members from all over—Perú, Colombia, and California—mixing an all-important immigrant perspective into their high-energy/high-speed hardcore. Links to killer bands like Dödläge, Frecuencia De Muerte, and Genogeist should help to amplify your anticipation.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 22.02.2022
- 01. Destabilize Control
02. Holzklotz Burning
03. 71,000 Warheads
04. Plea to the Sane
05. O.C.O.
06. Children in Rubble
07. Deterritory
08. Infinite Impact
09. Anti-Progress
10. Exhaustive Butchery
11. Notice
12. Polluted WaterDESTRUCT
Cries The Mocking Mother Nature
[engl] Raw angry d-beat massacre from US.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 14.04.2023
- Format
- LP + 7''
- Release-Datum
- 14.04.2023
- 01. Your Choice
02. Trash
03. Back From The Dead
04. Dying Every Day
05. Sky Rape
06. A Is For...
07. Gospel Fucker
08. Circle The Wagons
09. A Convenient Excuse For Stupidity
10. Living Death
11. Think It Through
12. Must We DivideDETESTATION
[engl] "A final repress of the mid ninties classic Skuld release of Portland's DETESTATION. An absolutel classic of nineties anarcho-hardcore punk that sounds like a mix between Nausea & Sacrilege with some influences from old Swedish bands and highly angry socio-political lyrics. Existing between roughly 1995—1998 or so, Detestation was a rather surprisingly prolific group during that time. This repress of the band's 1998 self-titled LP collects some of their finest material. Though the mandatorily interconnected Portland lineup contains pre-/post- ties to Defiance, Masskontroll, Resist, Hellshock, and Severed Head of State, among others, Detestation's rather commonplace brand of 90's crust punk remains a well rooted benchmark for the scene, and with good reason. Thanks in no small part to some scorching female vocals with great vocal arrangements, the band's lightly metallic power chords tended to be a little tighter and more memorable than most, thus Detestation is rightfully remembered as one of the finest of the genre.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 12.04.1998
- 01. Descent
02. Phantom Soul
03. This Path
04. Passed On
05. Draksådd
06. Undone
07. Unseen
08. Let It Lie
09. Like Dust
10. Corruption Of Form
11. Spectre At The FeastDIAKRON
Spectre at the feast
[engl] Diakron is a band that grew out of a recording made by Andreas (ex-Counterblast, Hexgrafv), Palle and Jocke, also the former members of Counterblast and active in Sanctum and Pale. The idea was from the beginning to record some song ideas left after Counterblast closed in 2017. Once started, the song list was filled with new compositions and now, there are eleven of them. In terms of genre, we probably end up somewhere in punk / sludge / doom metal- Format
- DoLP
- Release-Datum
- 19.04.2024
- 01. Storm Coming
02. Fast Music Doesn't Mean Violent Dancing
03. A Plea For Peace
04. Can't See The Woods
05. Humane Humans
06. No End In Sight
07. Narrow Minded Bigots
08. The End
09. Braindead
10. Judge & Be Damned
11. Home Of The Brave
12. Solution Available
13. A Taste Of Their Own Medicine
14. Headfucked
15. Craven Image
16. State Worse Than Death
17. The Last Giant
18. Can't See The Woods (Live)
19. Sometimes
20. Everythings's Fine
21. Warning
22. Slow Death
23. Chained To Morality
24. Instrumental
25. Internal Life
26. Take It Back
27. State Worse Than Death
28. One Law For Them...
29. ...Another Law For Us!
30. Final Strike
31. The Man Who Cleaned The Bog
32. New World Disorder
33. Money From Greed
34. You'll Sue Who?
35. If The Earth Dies,We Die
36. New Faces, Same Old ShitDISAFFECT
Still Chained (Discography)
[engl] "The entire discography of this shortlived but influential early nineties anarcho punk band from Glasgow, Scotland. This is fast-paced and shredding anarcho punk with little excursions into the crust-punk genre here and there. Dual fe/male vocals and alot of lyrical topics of todays society that are still relevant. DISAFFECT releases most their material via NABATE RECORDS from Belgium as well as FLAT EARTH RECORDS from the UK. Both labels were pioneering the nineties DIY punk wave alot with bands like ONE BY ONE, HIATUS, SEDITION, UNHINGED etc etc. DISAFFECT stopped playing in 1994 and members moved on to other projects such as SCATHA, CONSTANT FEAR, BRAIN ANGUISH and QUARANTINE. In 2019 the band reformed with a new rhythm section to play occassionally the one or the other festival. The DISAFFECT discography includes the ""An Injury To One..."" 7"" EP from 1992, the split 7"" with SEDITION from 1993, the ""Home Of The Brave"" 7""EP from 1993 (reissued 3 times!) and their 1994 released debut LP ""Chained To Morality"" as well as the ultra rare split 7"" with BIZARRE UPROAR also from 1994. As a bonus you will find the best tracks of the 1991 ""Demotape"" with the missing tracks available as download. Housed in a beatifully crafted Gatefold-sleeve with additional 16 pages booklet including lyrics and linernotes. "- Format
- DoLP
- Release-Datum
- 25.03.2020
A Bomb Drops...
[engl] I don’t want to blow, I want to grow! The first Dis-clone? We don't know about that, but these are some early rumblings of Dis-mania, direct from the Merseyside in 1986. For every man, woman or child there is no escape from the dark war horse of This Attack! Disattack. 6 raw bursts of sonic bloodbath that will leave your ears bleeding in a ditch. The fear of doom dawning when the whole world will be bathed in Blood! The 4 song demo is complemented by 2 additional rehearsal songs and a 28 page booklet of archival material, hand-outs and photos. For those who worship Discharge, Anti Cimex and Sacrilege! Line-up includes a young Bill Steer pre-Carcass.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 16.04.2021
- 01. Puñalada
02. Eskupitajo
03. El Ojo Todo Lo Ve
04. Testigo Innato Del Desprecio
05. Mecanismos De Control
06. Odio Por Ti
07. El Ichi
08. Sobreviviente Del Viaje Espacial
09. El Llamado
10. Palabras
Raw Noise Dbeat
[engl] Killer D-beat band from Quito, Ecuador- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 05.05.2017
Nightmare Or Reality
[engl] 20 years ago DISCLOSE released their response to the greatest hardcore 12” ever released: DISCHARGE’s Why. At the time the band was at the peak of their DISCHARGE era and had perfectly crafted a trademark sound, which shows through on the recording. The chainsaw-sounding double-toned guitar, Kawakami’s unmistakable vocals, and a rhythm section firmly based on the Stoke-On-Trent’s beat melded together to create a repetitive mantra-like noise chant. Recorded at Grove Cargo and mastered at Studio D-Takt by Jan Jutila, the production is a perfect example of noise not music pressed into vinyl, with both high and low frequencies cutting through the mix without losing any power. Lyrically Nightmare Or Reality focuses on the tragic sights of bullshit fucking war while aurally the record is a full-blown attack on all senses. D-Beat Raw Punk at its best. 20 years on and many times imitated but never duplicated.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 28.10.2019
- 01. A Brutal Sight Of War
02. Judgement Day
03. Forced To Conform
04. No Hope Of Survival
05. Religion
06. Min Elegi
07. Undergång
08. Vietnam Idag
09. Det Sista KrigetDISFEAR
A Brutal Sight Of War
[engl] The first Disfear material finally available on vinyl again. The ‘Self Titled’ 7inch from 1992 and the ‘A Brutal Sight Of War’ recordings from 1993. Originally the material was released as two 7inches and as CD and later on as 10inch. Now you can get it as 12inch. Absolut Scandinavian hardcore.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.08.2018
- 01. With Each Dawn I Die
02. Anthem Of Agony
03. Crimescene: Worldwide
04. A Race Of Power
05. Spectre Of Genocide
06. 101 Overkill
07. Subsistance
08. Everyday Slaughter
09. Totalitarian Control
10. Frustration
11. Aftermath
12. The Defenceless
13. Captured By Life
14. ... In FearDISFEAR
Everyday Slaughter
[engl] After the first 7inches and the Soul Scars LP Disfear released their second longplayer 1997. As expected crushin Swedish hardcore combining the intensity and bleak anti war imagery of early UK bands with the heaviness of Swedish Death Metal and Crust. 14 tracks of straight-up d-beat. The record comes on heavy 180g vinyl in heavy 350g/sqm gatefold cover.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.11.2023
- 01. Get It Off
02. Fiery Father
03. Deadweight
04. The Cage
05. The Furnace
06 Live The Storm
07. Testament
08. In Exodus
09. Maps Of War
10. PhantomDISFEAR
Live The Storm
[engl] Disfears 2008 masterpiece available on vinyl again. Relapse records did some pressings, later on the band licensed it themselves for some pressings for tours and now after some years it’s the band and I getting it out on vinyl again. Their classic mix of intense hardcore punk with swedish metal to create the perfect käng, in your face and relentless. The production by Kurt Ballou does the rest and with the powerful, crisp sound the 10 fierce songs with uncompromising socio-political lyrics are just an outstanding display of DISFEAR!- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.08.2017
- 01. Soul Scars
02. Left To Die
03. The Ultimate Disaster
04. To Hell And Back
05. Weak
06. Sobriety
07. The Price Of Ignorance
08. All This Fear
09. Do As You're Told
10. The True Face Of War
11. Grim Reality
12. After The Revival
13. Anxious
14. DisavowedDISFEAR
Soul Scars
[engl] The first Disfear material finally available on vinyl again. The ‘Self Titled’ 7inch from 1992 and the ‘A Brutal Sight Of War’ recordings from 1993. Originally the material was released as two 7inches and as CD and later on as 10inch. Now you can get it as 12inch. Absolut Scandinavian hardcore.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.08.2020
- 01. Mass Destruction
02. Nevine Zrtve
03. Agonija
04. Sloboda
05. Haos
06. Bomba
07. Liars
08. Armagedon
09. Black Flags
10. Hardcore
11. Future-phobia
12. Suton Svesti
13. Make Squatt Punk AgainDISHUMANITY
Armageddon (Rise Of The Mad Punk)
[engl] heavy as fuck HC/Crust from Serbia.- Format
- Release-Datum
- 12.12.2022
[engl] Bristol Punk Pioneers DISORDER formed around 1980, Disorder is one of the few 'big' names of UK hardcore still going strong today. The new recordings from 2012 but still raw and intense. The three new tracks are traditional UK noisepunk. No more words needed!!!!!!!!!! Legendary!!!! The other side contains the next big name, AGATHOCLES mince core gods from belgium team up these nice 10 inch record. Agathocles recording four new tracks in 2014 specially for these 10".- Format
- 10''
- Release-Datum
- 01.01.2015
Split Live
[engl] Bristol Punk Pioneers DISORDER formed around 1980, Disorder is one of the few 'big' names of UK hardcore still going strong today. The LP contains their live recordings from the Sneek Festival Gig in april 2014 raw and very intense. Nine tracks of traditional UK noisepunk. Legendary Show!!!! No more words needed!!!!!!!!!! The other side contains the next big name, AGATHOCLES mince core gods from belgium team up with 8 live mincecore attacks in perfect soundboard quality recorded at the Youthclub in Geel/Belgium march 2014. The LP comes in an inside-outside printed cover. Nice looking packaging.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.01.2016