Sao Paulo
[engl] After their debut 7” on 625, two split 7”s with DICK CHENEY and BRUCE BANNER and their debut full length released earlier this year the Sao Paulo 12” came out for their first european tour. B.U.S.H. plays furious and energetic skatepunk like in the good 80s. If you like CIRKLE JERKS, BLACK FLAG or JFA you will love them! The LP has 8 tracks of hardcore punk spiced with 60s garage and post-punk influences, a very cool recording and even much better creafted songs than their earlier material.- Format
- 12''
- Release-Datum
- 01.08.2007
Música pra Guerra
[engl] DISCARGA from Sao Paulo, Brazil are already known for their releases on 625 Records and the trio established them as a non-stop touring machine. Originally inspired by bands like WHAT HAPPENS NEXT and CHARLES BRONSON, DISCARGA go for the speed side of this genre and deliver on this full-length 19 powerful and intense fast hardcore tracks with their typical sarcastic politically motivated lyrics. The band reminds lot of nowadays SEEIN’ RED. This is frantic hardcore that never stops short of total destruction.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 12.06.2008
[engl] Belgrades finest bands sharing this piece of vinyl. LETS GROW are around for more than eight years playing some fast hardcore punk, inspired mostly by the 80s US bands. JAIBO! is a newer band but their members played in a lot of Belgrade hardcore bands before. Some people compare their music to Jerry's Kids, RKL (r'n'r nightmare era) and some european bands such as Indigesti and Jingo De Lunch. This record is a total ripper! The artwork done by Ray Ahn from Hard-Ons.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 18.02.2010
Burning Fields
[engl] This is the 2 track 7" for their European tour which took place in June/July 2008. LOSER LIFE comes from a place called Bakersfield, California, an area the band has numerously described as “the armpit of California”. This is what LOSER LIFE is influenced by and the band's sound makes their pleasant description seem all too realistic. LOSER LIFE is dirty, grimy, filthy and fucking pissed off at their little hole in the world and the world in general. They play music with a glass half-empty feeling with a glass overflowing the brim spirit.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 06.06.2008
Work. Life. Regret
[engl] Catchy, mid-tempo hardcore/punk inspired by bands like ANGRY SAMOANS, CIRCLE JERKS or BLACK FLAG among others. It’s LOST BOYS’ 6th release, after a demo (on tape and later on vinyl), the first EP, the Split EP’s with STRONG AS TEN and SUNPOWER and the Split-LP with THE IRRADIATES. This new 4-Song-7“ (including a M.I.A. cover) brings you raging hardcore/punk heavily influenced by the 80’USHC with a bit of Boston and lots of California in the mix. It’s furious, melodic and aggressive, the guitar (garage-ish) sound give an extra abrassive touch together with the raspy vocals. The Cover-Artwork is done by Andrei Bouzikov.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 20.12.2009
[engl] Awesome new band from the outskirts of Berlin that seem to be around 19 years old on average. Their tracks usually clock in at about a minute or so, and in there franticness, they manage to drive home more sentiment than most bands can do with a box set. Sure it’s negative (lyrically) and angst ridden to the core, but hey, the world does suck a bit after all. While most kids are oblivious to this fact because they’re playing Rock Band or partaking in other meaningless endeavors, these Minus Apes are pounding in the nail of truth with a voice that only pissed-off kids can muster up. I’ll be damned if MINUS APES don’t remind me of STIFF LITTLE FINGERS, ANGRY SAMOANS, T.S.O.L. and ADOLESCENTS. This is a band for people that don’t like people. And all the others…- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 15.07.2009
[engl] I'm fighting through a bit of writer's block today and having trouble coming with any sort of clever prose in reviewing this album but I'll press on because it's a winner. Naifa are a Brazilian band playing tuneful punk inspired by (though not entirely) classic 80s-era west coast fodder. Plenty of drive and chops from all three musicians, with the guitarist, Arthur, handling the vocals as well. They complement each other perfectly. It's tough to miss the burn and hooks on songs like "Nada," with the jabbing, angular guitar underpinned by a bass line that pushes the melody along and that's also the case for "Pau No Cu and "Colisao." All of this is reinforced with impassioned vocals and it adds up to a strong, power-packed collection. As Arthur yells at the end of side one, all right! (Al Quint, Suburban Voice)- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 12.06.2008
Yellow Beauty
[engl] Great new tour 7" from one of Japans finest - NK 6. This 7" has 6 songs of manic japanese hardcore-trash. They're mix their classic japanese style with some of melody and a totally crazed approach. Think of bands like GAUZE, DON DON, BLAZE, and GOGOOL PLEX. Fucking awesome stuff. Check it out or miss out!- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 01.11.2007
La Mierda de Siempre
[engl] PORKERIA from South Texas play Mexican/Latino/Chicano/Tejano/whatever-you-wanna-call-it raw punk!! Featuring an ex-member of BASTARD SONS of APOCALYPSE they play hc/punk, fast and blistering, and also, melodic and catchy. Their style is closely associated to the early second-wave of UK '82 and international punk like G.B.H., APPENDIX, and R.I.P., and of course, DISCHARGE.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 13.10.2012
[engl] "This Brazilian band plays a very familiar style of fast punk that borders on hardcore. The distortion on the guitar is light and the riffs are often tinged with a more basic garage-y flare that works well here and lands this band somewhere near REGULATIONS or something like that with angry female vocals. This is a really great demo." (MRR)- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 11.02.2010
Cheap Kicks
[engl] Speaking about their music: It’s fast, fast, fast, no grooves, no mosh-parts, fast hc/punk. Songs are build up the old way: riffs thrown away, drums all over the place, manic bass lines ... „Straightjacket Nation play pure pissed off 80's american hardcorepunk“ (with members of PISSCHRIST and UV RAYS)- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 12.06.2008
Servant Of Servants
[engl] THIS SHIP WILL BURN from Ontario, Canada playing straightforward hardcore-punk in the vein of early FUCKED UP and BRUTAL KNIGHTS. This 7" contains 5 snotty, smoking tracks of melodic rock-tuned hardcore-punk. A fresh combination of mid-tempo growling vocals and driving rhythm. For fans of that typical Canadian Deranged Records sound!- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 01.07.2007
El cambio empieza en mi
[engl] 15 bands from all over Latin America on this SxE-compilation, each with two songs… includes great bands like COLLIGERE (Brazil), NUEVA ETICA (Argentine), ASUNTO (Chile), SANGRE JOVEN (Guatemala), INVICTUS MANEO (Mexico), FUERZA DE VOLUNTAD (Chile), DECISIÓN FINAL (Peru), ENTREFUEGO (Chile) and many more…- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 01.02.2005
[engl] First release of probably best Croatian band at the moment. they play highly energetic fast SxE-HC with in your face attitude and lyrics about life, politics, HC scene. VASELINE CHILDREN deliver American hardcore of the '80s (early D.C. infected and '88 youth-crew) phase. They got the inspiration for their name from the old band from Connecticut, VIOLENT CHILDREN. If you really have to choose only one band that VASELIN CHILDREN resembles, that would definitely be TEAR IT UP while the vocal is the spitting image of HALFMAST and NO TIME LEFT. The 7" contains 7 own songs and a Cover version from F.P.O.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 01.07.2007
[engl] After touring throughout the world, Dutch hardcore punk band VITAMIN X return with their first recorded output in three years. Capturing the manic aggression of their notorious live shows VITAMIN X take their furious hardcore sound even further into the realms of 70's rock riffage and wild guitar solos, never letting up on the high energy thrash punk. Recorded and Engineered at Electrical Audio Studios in Chicago by Steve Albini (Nirvana, Neurosis) it has an enormous sound. The album features lead vocals by NEGATIVE APPROACH’s John Brannon on two songs and amazing artwork by John Baizley (Baroness, Pig Destroyer).- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 15.11.2008
Tango Revolucioner
[engl] XAXAXA hail from Macedonia’s capital city Skopje, and in between constant touring all over Europe with Bernays Propaganda, they managed to pull together Tango Revolucioner, an album comprised of ten fast, melodic, gut rocking tracks in the best manner of Hüsker Dü, Dag Nasty and Rites of Spring – an awesome retro flashback to the eighties, but nevertheless sounding very fresh, and carrying a similar message throughout their songs. One of them got remixed by Gang of Four‘s Mark Heaney.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 04.04.2011