Hier findet ihr die Künstler/Bands.
Burning Fields
[engl] This is the 2 track 7" for their European tour which took place in June/July 2008. LOSER LIFE comes from a place called Bakersfield, California, an area the band has numerously described as “the armpit of California”. This is what LOSER LIFE is influenced by and the band's sound makes their pleasant description seem all too realistic. LOSER LIFE is dirty, grimy, filthy and fucking pissed off at their little hole in the world and the world in general. They play music with a glass half-empty feeling with a glass overflowing the brim spirit.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 06.06.2008
My hell
MLP von LOSER LIFE aus Bakersfield in Kalifornien. Eine Gegend, die die Band als „Achselhöhle Kaliforniens“ bezeichnet. Und genauso klingen LOSER LIFE auch. Schroffer Hardcorepunk der Anleihen an frühen HÜSKER DÜ oder ARTICLES OF FAITH nimmt aber auch 90er Jahre Bands wie BORN AGAINST Tribut zollt. In den USA veröffentlichen LOSER LIFE u.a. auf MAGIC BULLET RECORDS (THIS WILL DESTROY YOU, INTEGRITY, BOY SETS FIRE, etc.)- Format
- Release-Datum
- 17.07.2010
- EAN 4260016927197