Columbian Neckties

  • Flexi 2016
    Sounds of Subterrania
    SoS 153

    --> X-Ray 15,00 EUR

    COLUMBIAN NECKTIES - »Too naked to care«

    01. Too naked to care

    handcut in x-ray-film. limited 80 copies.

    LP 180gr./CD 2016
    Sounds of Subterrania
    SoS 150/SoS 151

    --> LP + CD 15,00 EUR
    --> CD 13,50 EUR

    COLUMBIAN NECKTIES - »It´s all gone«

    01. Drunk you
    02. Libertine
    03. Like tonight
    04. Wild mistake
    05. Mystery
    06. None sex Sweden
    07. I can’t go
    08. Going too brown
    09. Sit up all night
    10. It’s all gone

    The faszination of old Garage Punk records exists from the unruly will for roughness, being a fan and glanders in the music. The wish not to cut the diamond but smash it identifies Garage Punk. To clarify the chronological range we refer to the heritage of Crypt, one of the few legitimate successors from the idea of Rock'n'Roll and Punk. It is more than just an act of boys in Chucks and denim jackets but the promise that Rock'n'Roll can and should be nonconformist. The Columbian Neckties, founded 1998, are releasing 11 years after "Takeaway" their fourth album "It's all gone". Still playing the best Highspeed Garagepunk with a good pinch of MC5 Rock the world ever listened to. Every fan of New Bomb Turks, Guitar Wolf, TV Killers or Cellophane Suckers knows what I am talking about and will put this record on the turntable. It is recommended to the rest.

    Recorded the 14th and 15th of October 2015 in Pigsty Studio by Kasper Westeraa.
    Clean recordings and levels set by Kasper Westeraa.
    NO mixing. Mastered by Wolfgang Hazelwood.

  • 7" 2011
    Sounds of Subterrania
    SoS 112

    --> 7'' 5,00 EUR


    01. Yes ma´am
    02. Want me dead
    03. Gaga go

    '' Let's keep this simple: Columbian Neckties is the Band I've had the most personal experience with, as a label. On top of that, they are one of the few Garagepunk-outfits, who can simultaneously count Names such as Tim Warren (Crypt Records),Alfred Bradford (Green Hell) as well as Lars Krogh (Bad Afro) amongst their die-hard Fans, apart from myself that is, of course! Enough reason to be straight-up subjective when it comes to this band and that's exactly my point here.
    To me, Columbian Neckties is Europe's finest Garagepunk band and definitely in the top 5 internationally. No one shreds the guitar faster than Henrik and no one comes close to Jeppes vocal delivery. Everything just seems to fit perfectly with the Columbian Neckties.
    This is Punk – Punk and not Rock in disguise. Garage will always be Garage and that means getting your hands dirty.
    Their shows never fall short from being total revelations and are cramped with energy to an extent, that you could illuminate the Autobahn at night, if we were able to feed that energy into our power circuits. Most of all, Columbian Neckties are real! Not just Students jamming around, No Dressmen, no 'we'll-do-whatever-the-industry-can-sell' – types, but rather the boys from nextdoor who happen to play mindblowing Garagepunk.
    This is what counts and sticks to both brain and heart.
    After a 3-year break, Columbian Neckties is now finally releasing their new single ''Yes Ma'am'' and once again taking it to all those stages, that mean the world to me.''

  • LPlim 2006
    Sounds of Subterrania
    SOS 071

    V/A - »Bite it!! 2006«

    1. Columbian Neckties - Eye One Two
    2. Carnation- Try let it go
    3. Devil in Miss Jones- If i was a car
    4. Hara-Kee-Rees- I don't want you no more
    5. Two-Star Hotel - There is a voice 925 Remix by Synth lio
    6. Amos - Number One

    limited on 200 copies

  • 7" 2006
    Bad Afro


  • LP 180gr/CD 2005
    Sounds of Subterrania
    SOS 062/SOS 063

    --> LP 180gr 15,00 EUR
    --> CD 12,00 EUR


    01. Play With Myself
    02. She’s The Man !
    03. Takeaway
    04. Technique Or Titanic
    05. Call N’ Responsibel
    06. Get Enough
    07. Really?
    08. Boogie Bitch
    09. Byesexual
    10. Loosin Weight
    11. Work Is Good

    Recorded by Torben B. Jorgensen and Morten Sandager
    Mixed and Mastered by Columbian Neckties and Casper Skafte All at Apole Studio Norresundby, Denmark

  • Pic-10" 2003
    Sounds of Subterrania
    SOS 030

    --> Pic-10'' 8,50 EUR

    V/A - »Bite it!!«

    1. Columbian Neckties - Asshole of the month
    2. Devil in Miss Jones - Terpentine
    3. El Guapo Stuntteam - Nasty Woman
    4. Berserkerz - I can't help myself

  • LP/CD 2002
    Sounds of Subterrania
    SOS 027/SOS 028

    --> CD 12,00 EUR

    COLUMBIAN NECKTIES - »Why change your moves?«

    01. why change your moves?
    02. my Kümmerling
    03. this guy can tell
    04. she's on my radar
    05. you can come down
    06. hott butt love
    07. tits and ass
    08. assmaster
    09. i got kicked
    10. riff raff
    11. wankers day
    12. sunday afternoon

    Yes!! Die neue Columbian Neckties ist mal wieder ein Killer! Direkt der Opener (gleichzeitig das Titelstück) rast über einen hinweg wie ein Hochgeschwindigkeitszug im Tiefflug. Der Sound ist gegenüber dem Vorgänger um einiges aufgespeckter und ebenfalls neu sind diese fiesen Hardrock Riffs in klassischer Rose Tattoo bzw. AC/DC Tradition, die einem in einem Affenzahn um die Ohren geblasen werden.
    Wer jetzt allerdings meint die Dänen würden auf abgefahrene Züge aufspringen irrt gewaltig. Das ist kein Skandinavischer Action Rock, sondern höllischer Turbo Punk'n'Roll, der dermaßen konsequent im roten Breich fährt, daß einem ganz Angst und Bange werden kann.
    Die altbekannten Einflüße - von frühen New Bomb Turks über Devil Dogs und Saints bis zu den Dictators - sind geblieben, aber das ganze ist noch mehr auf den Punkt, präziser, lauter, übersteuerter, manischer, gewaltiger,... (Alfred/ Green Hell)

  • 7" 2002
    Green Hell

    COLUMBIAN NECKTIES - »Social Woman«

    For further information please visit Green Hell

    LP/CD 2001
    Sounds of Subterrania
    SOS 016/SOS 016 CD


    01. abrance
    02. hooters motel
    03. got to give me love
    04. stay with me
    05. gimme
    06. born to rock'n'roll
    07. what she can do
    08. four eyes
    09. money grubber
    10. too many woman
    11. prove me wrong!
    12. we don't forgive

  • CD 2001
    Bad Afro

    V/A - »Pushing Scandinavian Rock to the Man vol. 2«

  • 7" 2001
    High School Reject

    COLUMBIAN NECKTIES - »Rejected #7«

  • 10" 2000
    High School Refuse

    COLUMBIAN NECKTIES - »Scene of the Crime«