

  • 01. gespenster
    02. das blut an den fahnen
    03. substanbul
    04. rosige gesichter
    05. gier
    06. unterwegs
    07. freitag der 13te
    08. schlecht ist besser
    09. der hobel
    10. hirn
    11. nie wieder
    12. satt sein


    Unter Kannibalen

    Es war Mord ist eine Band aus Berlin mit zwei Gitarren, Bass, Schlagzeug und natürlich einem Sänger. Es war Mord singen in deutscher Sprache. Dabei sind die Texte oftmals mehr phonetische Willkür, als platzierte Poesie. Es war Mord spielen ungefälligen, sperrigen, düsteren Punk mit vielen Rhythmuswechseln. Der Grundton basiert fast immer auf E-Moll, da er der dunkelste und tiefste Akkord ist, den man auf einer normal gestimmten Gitarre spielen kann. Es war Mord haben eine Langspielplatte namens „Unter Kannibalen“ fertig gestellt, der ursprüngliche Titel „Erinnerungen des Agenten, der aus Notwehr mit den Kannibalen knutschte“ wurde von der Band als gut, aber zu lang auf oben genannten gekürzt. Das Artwork ist der Abzug eines Holzschnittes mit der Bezeichnung „Es lebe das 21. Jahrhundert“ und stammt von Fritz Ebeling, einem Berliner Künstler und Meisterschüler von Schmidt Rottluff, der 2011 verstorben ist. Es war Mord sind Sepp, Dietmar, Markus, Tom und Stunk. Es war Mord Vorgängerbands: The Rest, Vorkriegsjugend, Zerstörte Jugend, Situations, Jingo de Lunch, Kumpelbasis, Porno Patrol, No Alligians und die Skeptiker.
    EAN 4260016921607
    LP 180gr
    EAN 4260016921591
    LP + Shirt
    CD + Shirt
  • 01. MASTER ACE
    04. CHICO
    05. I SAW YOU
    06. 5 DROPS
    07. TAME
    08. BRUTAL


    Good Body Feeling

    [engl] "Big, groovy, polytoxikoman, psychedelic, punk rock nightmare debut long player by Berlins' unpredictable, multi-dysfunctional, multinational boy group. As majestic, tragic, delirious and powerful as...well, a sick horse. Buy it." Sig Vishnu (Heavy Metal) "Sick horse play loud. Sick horse play hard. Sick horse play tight. And if you don't like the songs it doesn't fuckin matter cos they've been up for two days and they didn't miss a beat." Daryl Sulfate (Diät)
  • 01. Heavy Metal For Sex People
    02. Blue Suede Shoe
    03. Dingo Ate Your Baby
    04. Double Decker Bus
    05. Fight Death, Not The Dead
    06. Communication Or Surprise
    07. Do You Remember The Memories?
    08. My Head Hurts
    09. Dim Plastigon
    10. Norman Collier's Microphone
    11. Winds Of Tomorrow
    12. I've Never Used A Lawnmower
    13. George Orwell Called


    Smash Criticism Smash Optimism Smash Arachnophobia

    Zweite LP
  • 01. Piero - Quelle époque épique et punk
    02. Soda Fraise - Ca baigne dans l'huile
    03. Stéfan - J'suis pas méchant
    04. Geiger - Je suis punky
    05. Too Much - Silex Pistols
    06. Gérard Bôle du Chaumont - C'est la défonce
    07. Sublime de Luxe - Chose molle
    08. Bulldozer - J'suis punk
    09. Sublime de Luxe - Donne-moi ton corps, juste pour le sport
    10. Les Marylènes - Le beau tétard sur son cigare
    11. Gisor - Le plan
    12. Anatole Frantz - Le monde est fou
    13. Fatsy Wataire - Chimène Hovelicot
    14. Gérard Depardieu - La p'tite Agathe
    15. Plastichke - Ca gaze pour moi


    BINGO - French Punk Exploitation 1978-1981

    [engl] The real, great rock 'n' roll swindle? Don't look for it in the Pistols, well, in Mac Laren' movie The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle... you'd better search Belgium, and more specifically somewhere near Lou Deprijck and Yvan Lacomblez, two born-and-bred “Brusselians[1] ”. If their names don't ring a bell at first glance, you've most likely already wiggled to the interplanetary hit which brought them fortune (in every way): “Ça plane pour moi”! Oh yeah, France already had Antoine's “Élucubrations”, a mildly transgressive hit in its own way... and an unprecedented landslide in Gallic memory. But this time, another category was tackled! “Ca plane pour moi”? A moronic song by a crappy singer... The prank swept through the world and within a few months, no less than one million 45s were sold just in France. And the incredible part is that it was to spawn a mass-produced bunch of cover versions, finally becoming – how ironic – a universal punk anthem: think what you will, it IS the hold-up of the century! Of course, such a cash cow would arouse envy and create quite a few vocations among our fellow countrymen. The song's trademark derision was finally about to bridge the missing link between original punk – too violent, too dirty – and the general public eager to enjoy a little Saturday-night pogo. Once more, humor became the magic bullet to conquer a frightened audience: even though the French aren't exactly fond of rock'n'roll, they've always loved a good laugh. The formula had already proved successful. Remember the arrival of rock'n'roll in France (1957) through Boris Vian, Henri Salvador and Michel Legrand. Their famous, jokey “Rock and Roll-Mops” already laid the foundations for the same equation (refer to Born Bad's Rock Rock Rock comp for a deeper look): joke + rock'n'roll + derision = success. The big labels sure did try to produce punk bands in France – Polydor, the most daring one, signed up the Stinky Toys and the Guilty Razors in a row – but only to result in huge commercial failures which ended up discouraging the entire profession. But in the face of Mr. Bertrand's huge success, those big labels thought they got how it works. Very soon, music publishers and majors all wanted a punk hit. From Barclay to RCA to Polydor, all discovered a passion for punk and wanted their own “Ça plane pour moi”. So A&R executives from big labels and publishers brought all of their seasoned producers, composers and lyricists into the stampede: eccentric arrangements, daft and stereotyped lyrics – one-upmanship was the rule. Anything served as a pretext to be punker than punk – who cares if grotesqueness and ridiculousness were constantly flirted with, what we want is good laugh (and a shitload of cash!). An unprecedented bunch of punk-novelty records followed. Even André Verchuren had his own unbridled accordion cover version of “Ça plane pour moi” – that's saying something! Sure, most of these punk hoaxes are real lousy, real shitty but one must admit that some numbers stand out of the crowd. While they didn't reach the success of “Ça plane pour moi”, some, here and there, were really inspired and – let's be punk – even more creative than the songs they hijacked and mimicked. So, as would say Pierô who opens the comp: “Hey guys, got your guitars out of tune? let's play PUNK today! and start up the infernal machine. Ein, Zwei, Drei quattro...”
    EAN 3521381537949
    EAN 3521383437933
  • 01. Hollow Men
    02. At the Bijou


    Hollow Men / Special Edition

    Diese Special Edition entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit Bobbys langjährigen Freund und Schmuckdesigner Jonathan Johnson (Deichkind, Bela B., Rocko Schamoni, Chilly Gonzales, Absolute Beginner). Für den Song hat Jonathan Johnson einen limitierten 7“-Adapter aus Messing entworfen - eine umgedrehten Dollarpyramide, deren Spitze ins Pentagon rast, umrandet von zwei Statuen der ägyptischen Göttin Isis, einem Schwan, einem Schlittschuh und einer Eisenstange. Frei nach Guy Debord's „Die Gesellschaft des Spektakels" oder um es mit den Worten Bobby Conn´s zu sagen: More than you need!
    7" special
  • 01. Paracaidas
    02. Magica Nueva
    03. Cumbia 94



    JUNGLELYD sind die neue Entdeckung von Sounds Of Subterrania. Die Jungs aus Dänemark vermischen Cumbia, tropischen Bass, Surf Rock, psychedelischen Elektronik-Sound und nehmen dabei den Zuhörer mit auf ein berauschendes Abenteuer. Hypnotisierende Beats werden durch melodiöse Elemente der Stammes- und Ritualgeräusche aus den nebeligen Urwäldern Südamerikas akzentuiert. Auf der Bühne vereint die fünfköpfige dänische Band Elektronik mit Instrumenten wie Saxophon, Flöten, Gitarren, Bass und Percussion, um eine Fusion aus digitaler und analoger Musik zu schaffen. Dieser einzigartige Sound reißt die Hörer nicht nur einfach mit wie eine Flutwelle, sondern verführt ihn auch der wahren Bedeutung des Wortes Cumbia, nämlich “cum" für Trommel und “ia” für sich schütteln, zu frönen. Nicht nur deswegen sind Junglelyd und ihre Liveshows in Dänemark bereits mehr als nur ein Geheimtipp. Einer ihrer Songs wurde letztes Jahr zum besten Weltmusik-Track Dänemarks gewählt. Die Band wurde daraufhin eingeladen, das Hausorchester bei den prestigevollen Danish Music Awards World zu sein. Folgt dem Klang! Lasst Euch von Junglelyd tief in die Magie des Dschungels tragen. Oder man kann es auch Abkürzen, Cumbia ist der Sound der Stunde und Junglelyd spielen ihn.
    EAN 4260016921560
  • 01. Hollow Men
    02. At the Bijou


    Hollow Men

    Der unbestrittene Meister des Glampop ist mit zwei außergewöhnlichen Songs zurück. Hollow Men: 80er Jahre, Bobby und seine Freunde rauchten Nelkenzigaretten, hörten Bauhaus und Gary Numan und lasen dunkle Poesie, die sie nicht wirklich verstanden haben. Bobby begeisterte sich für T.S. Eliots "The Hollow Men" - cool, völlig düster, deprimierend und apokalyptisch. Jetzt ist Bobby etwas älter und laut eigener Aussage: ein düsterer Teenager seiner selbst - und versteht immer T. S. Eliot noch immer nicht wirklich.“ Aber was steht, ist die Lust am tanzen. Ist das (Auf)-Begehren. Der Anspruch, mit einem Knall, anstatt mit einem Wimmern das Leben zu beenden. Und so türmte Bobby zusammen mit Monica Vokale über Vokale auf und schufen diese divenhafte Version von „Hollow Men“. At the Bijou: ... ist Bobbys Tribut an das erste amerikanische Gay-Porno-Filmtheater - eröffnet 1970 in Chicago. Das Bijou, dessen Hochzeit in den 70er und 80er Jahren war, war einer der ersten Orte mit „playrooms“ für ungezwungenen Gay Sex. Der Besitzer ging zweimal wegen Unzucht ins Gefängnis und steht damit auch für ein anderes, ein freies Amerika. Jetzt ist es einfacher offen schwul zu sein, Pornos gehören zum Alltag und „Theater“-Besuche wurden uninteressant. Grindr und Internetpornografie taten ihr übriges. Und so kam es wie es kommen mußte. Die Nachbarschaft wurde schließlich zu teuer, um es als Theater zu halten, also schloss es vor ein paar Jahren und wurde verkauft. limitiert auf 300 copies
    7" lim
    EAN 4260016921492
  • 01. Waiting for the Sign
    02. Because of You
    03. On the Wire
    04. Even if I Wanted To
    05. Without You
    06. Truth
    07. Tightrope
    08. Fool in my Mind
    09. Stay Out of My Dreams
    10. Shinging Star



    [engl] The long awaited new album from Belfast, Irelands Punkrockers PROTEX.
  • 01. Baby You're My Drug
    02. Dig My Hair
    03. I Can't Stop
    04. Not Enough
    05. I Don't Want You Anymore
    06. Bongo Fuzz
    07. Happy People Make Me Sick
    08. Nothing, You Coward
    09. Voodoo Rhythm
    10. Too Pretty To Be Loved
    11. You Will Die
    12. Let Me Spend The Night With Your Wife


    M - Special Edition

    Stein um Stein baut sich die neue Monsters Special Edition auf. Limited Special Edition für Bastards can't dance Clubmitglieder. Bei Interesse einfach nachfragen. Unsere Freunde bei Lego fragten, dass wir Sie daran erinnern ... "Dies ist kein LEGO®-Produkt. Hierbei handelt es sich um wiederverwendbare LEGO-Elemente, die von ihrer ursprünglichen Form neu verpackt oder geändert wurden. LEGO ist eine Marke der LEGO Gruppe, die dieses Produkt nicht sponsert, autorisiert oder unterstützt. Die LEGO Group haftet nicht für Verluste, Verletzungen oder Schäden, die durch den Gebrauch oder Missbrauch dieses Produkts entstehen. "
    LP lim
  • 01. Neon Lights
    02. Imagine
    03. Stop Diggin The Ground
    04. Higher Tower
    05. Bankrupt Democracy
    06. Hands Are Tied
    07. Te 230


    Neon Lights

    Man stellt sich schon die Frage, wie sie das immer nur wieder machen. Klar ist - „Neon Lights“ ist 100% Lo Fat Orchestra, eingängig, tanzbar, hart, groovig, rau, selbstreflektiert. Nun sind 3 Jahre seit der letzten Veröffentlichung vergangen und geändert hat sich bei dem Schweizer Trio einiges. Zum einen spielt jetzt Roman (der eine oder andere kennt ihn von Deadverse) den Bass, zum anderen hat sich das Soundspektrum um weitere Nuancen erweitert. Womit wir auch schon bei einen der Hits der Scheibe wa?ren. „Bankrupt Democracy“ katapultiert einen dermaßen in die Blu?tezeit der Electronic Body Music, daß einem angst und bange werden kann. „Stop Diggin' The Ground“ dagegen ist die Dancefloornummer schlechthin, extrem groovig und trotzdem dabei immer noch angenehm widerborstig, sodaß man selbst notorische Nichttänzer beim heimlich Mitwippen ertappt. Diese Spannweiten, oder besser dieses Verbinden und Spielen mit Sounds, macht das Lo Fat Orchestra zu etwas Besonderem, vielleicht sogar zu den Erneuerern der unabha?ngigen Tanzmusik. Hört selber rein, es gibt viel zu entdecken.
    EAN 4260016921546
  • 01 The Hoopoe
    02 Travelin' Man
    03 Way Too Long
    04 You Can' t Run From The Devil
    05 Mary Lou
    06 His Name Is Dan
    07 Take Your Time
    08 Last Dance
    09 Homeward Bound
    10 Shine Like A Diamond


    Near Exit 27

    Seit 10 Jahren dokumentiert der Singer-Songwriter Digger Barnes auf seinen Platten das Leben on the road. Geschichten voller Sehnsucht, Melancholie und morbidem Charme sind sein Markenzeichen und liefern den Stoff für die "Diamond Road Show". Die "Diamond Road Show" ist ein Roadmovie der besonderen Art, ein Bastard aus Kino und Konzert. Digger Barnes hat dieses Show-Format zusammen mit dem Maler und Trickfilmkünstler Pencil Quincy erfunden. In den letzten Jahren wurden von Barnes viele Kilometer zurückgelegt, um die "Diamond Road Show" im In- und Ausland auf die Bühne zu bringen. Doch auch an diesem Punkt bricht der Eigenbrödler mit der Norm: Anstatt die Filmshow nur in Clubs oder Kinos aufzuführen, geht es auch auf Tour darum, sich genau wie im Roadmovie, an möglichst unterschiedliche Orte zu begeben. Barnes ist auf seinem Roadtrip in Friedhofskapellen, alten Tankstellen, Eisenbahnwaggons und besetzten Häusern aufgetreten und schreckte auch nicht vor Shows in psychiatrischen Einrichtungen, Staatstheatern und Flugzeughangars zurück. Durch das ständige Unterwegssein verschwimmt das reale Leben von Digger Barnes mit den Episoden der "Diamond Road Show", und auch auf seinem neuen Album "Near Exit 27" verwischen Realität und cineastische Fiktion.
    LP [incl.DC]
    EAN 4260016925445
    EAN 4260016925452
  • 01. Sharp Suited S.O.A.G.
    02. Why You Wanna Do That


    Sharp Suited S.O.A.G.

    [engl] The Teamsters haven't released anything since September 2014, with the exception of a demo on a compilation tape released over in Chicago. Their line-up of drummers changed drastically over the last 18 months, with the likes of Bruce Brand stepping in before leaving in March of this year. That's not to say that the group haven't been recording and writing profusely, they never stop in fact. They declare that they enough for 2 LPs, but their refusal to compromise on the sound they strive for has left them re-recording and mixing dozens of tracks. Intent on making a truly great record. In the meantime they were happy enough to release a couple of tracks for a single on Bachelor Records. The songs are co written by the bands guitarist and bass player Tom and Dan, and we were happy enough to put them out. It marks a departure from their earlier ramshackle days as a trash punk outfit and into the finer details. 'Sharp Suited S.O.A.G' is a mocking portrayal on a man who focuses his life on clothes, where money is no object. The B side 'Why Do You Wanna Do That?' is your standard song of heartbreak, nothing much to elaborate on there, but its new and its exciting. This release is limited to 500 copies, housed in a cardboard disco sleeve (two holes). Artwork done by Tom H. Wing.
  • 01. Uh Uh
    02. Standing The Night


    Uh Uh / Standing The Night

    [engl] It’s been quiet for some time for MISS CHAIN ND THE BROKEN HEELS, the extensive touring after their second album (The Dawn, released by Burger, Bachelor and Tre Accordi), band members went their own way to persue solo careers, starting a booking agency, buidling a studio, and just taking a breath, italian style. After few months things started to get together again, they did some shows in the spring of 2016 and baboom: Here is their new classic two song single, fresh and new, as if there hasnt been some kind of hiatus. You can easily hear it exactly 1 second after you let the needle drop on the Side A track, after few chords Miss Chain and the gang ooozes a warm feeling into your head and heart! Hell, they are back, with all the goodtime melodies enriched with their typical melancholy vibe. While the first track is a classic uptempo powerpop tune, the flipside presents a slower hipshaker, and although the velocity has been taken out this one is still a fine, mellow mood maker that leaves you hungry for more!
  • 01. A morning session of Q & no A
    02. Cornwall August 2012
    03. I do not understand lakes
    04. Tides / happiness / excess
    05. Afternoon today


    Check Out

    [engl] CHECK OUT is designed as a collection of readymade exhibition sounds and images, published as a hardcover fine-art photobook and marketed (also) as a LP record. It includes one hand numbered 10” vinyl from a limited edition pressing of 500 copies, whose tracks have been composed for / executed with a single guitar and recorded in one take during night, in the corridors of a school in Nowa Huta (Krakow, PL). CHECK OUT is divided into sections (chapters / tracks) and has three main granularities, i.e. excess, exposure, and death. Excess as an event of exceedance that stretches time and sight. Exposure like in Latin’s ex·ponere, “to pose oneself out”, implicitly meaning interruption, abandon. Death: “Amen, CHECK OUT”. It is possible to die of exposure, i.e. dying of not being in the own Place of Nature…
    10" + Book
    EAN 3481574729783
  • 01. Antitaxi
    02. Amour Dans Le Motu
    03. Packshot
    04. La Femme
    05. Hypsoline
    06. Saisis La Corde
    07. Le Blues De Françoise
    08. T's Time To Wake Up 2023
    09. Nous Étions Deux
    10. La Femme Ressort
    11. Si Un Jour
    12. From Tchernobyl With Love
    13. Sur La Planche 2013
    14. Welcome America


    Psycho Tropical Berlin

    [engl] La femme is a conundrum. A resounding expression. An episodic band with various faces. La Femme shows up and it’s all of her grimy spleen that stains the city’s grey pavement, in a synthetic rain beamed by livid burstings. La femme was born during the X years in Biarritz, when Sasha and Marlon started composing on their guitars music they recorded on Garage Band. Together they ride surfboards, pianos and synthetiseur as they gave a try to various styles, from 60s yéyé French pop to Californian surf music. Marlon moved to Paris, and there he met Sam, who played bass. Together they formed SOS Mademoiselle along with Olivier Peynot, and played vintage French rock, as Sasha was practising his scales in reverb feed surf band « Les redoutables! » After getting his grade, Sasha joined his friends in Paris, where they discovered French cold wave and synth pop, Marie & Les Garcons being one of their favourite. They polished a style that could be described as one of these following : Surf wave, Bizarre wave, strange wave, weird witch wave, silly mental wave or Psycho tropical Berlin ». In fact anything you want as long as it ends with « wave ». And the boys created LA FEMME. La Femme has no frontier, neither in her style nor in her voice. She’s always on a quest for new sounds, images and sensations. Joined in 2010 by drummer Noé and female singer Clémence, La femme formed its first live roster in few days after French rider and artist Pandora Decoster asks them to play on stage for a big surf contest in Biarritz. From her hazy and changing background, La femme takes shape and release that same year its first anthem « Sur la Planche », a song that was made to be hummed and whistled while ridding a board. La femme uncovers, boys, girls, plenty of option, a bit of mystery, loads of energy. Later she released her second EP, Paris 2012. In the music video she produced for this song, she blows down the effeil tower as a symbol, it’s time to go ans see something else. After swilling Paris bars, La femme goes for a tour in USA, en mode journey, and come back in France with improved reputation where they play for various festival. Soon joined by fancy rhythm drummer Nunez Ritter Von Merguez aka « La Sauterelle » and gorgeous singer Clara Luciani, La femme takes for a ride around Europe : from beyond the grave to Berlin, by London, Bruxelles and Roubaix. Cryptic and Mysterious, La femme is in perpetual motion and the band, based around full time and up-to-date boys (Sasha, Marlon, Sam), invites over the course of its wish and needs in studio a whole cast of female singer : Clémence, Clara, Marilu, Jeanne… Sooner this year, La femme released a self titled EP, that went by along with a 11 minutes long psychedelic music video, an epic and baroque short film for tracks « La femme, Hypsoline », preceding the release of her first album in April : « Psycho Tropical Berlin »: It’s the story of a couple who slipped chaos and survives by watching each other. Le Danger est partout - Peril is all around as written in the booklet. Rock and pop, rococo bahaus, fed from multiples influences (Krafwerk, Elli & Jacno) La Femme just want to please you. Generous and welcoming, she stretches you her white hand in the dark, if you grasp it, it could be the shiver of you life.
    EAN 3521381523522
  • 01. The Blue Birds - Khari Neem Ke Nickey
    02. Nisar Bazmi Izhar Bhi Mushkil Hai
    03. The Fore Thoughts - Borasha
    04. Jozi Anjum - Dance Music (Nishani)
    05. The Panthers - Darbari
    06. Sohail Rana & The Five Caps - Coctail Music (Rootha Na Karo)
    07. Khalil Ahmed - Dance Music (Saya)
    08. Mohd. Yousuf & S.M. Ayub - Dancing Time
    09. Nisar Bazmi - Bete Dinon Ki Yadon
    10. The Silhouettes - Pashto Pangra
    11. M. Ashraf - Dance Music (Ankhon Ankhon Men)
    12. Sohail Rana - The Ludee Twist
    13. The Blue Birds - Marriage Folk Dopatta
    14. Tafo Brothers - Tarasta Hal Yeh Dil (Arzoo)


    More Early Pakistani Dance Music

    zweiter Teil dieses überaus guten Reihe.
    LP lim
  • 01. Experimento (Experiment)
    02. Recuerdos De Un Amigo Ruso (Memories Of A Russian Friend)
    03. Reflexiones Heladas (Icy Reflexions)
    04. Onda Suave (Mild Wave)
    05. Primavera Amarilla (Yellow Spring)
    06. Arrivederci
    07. Jodi-Ritmo (Jodi Rytmus)
    08. Imagen En Rojo (Red Image)
    09. Sueño De La Catedral (Cathedral Dream)
    10. Fantasmas Del Sonido (Sound Fantasm)
    11. Canción Cariñosa (Loving Song)
    12. Espíritu Fosforecente (Glowing Spirit)


    Pops De Vanguardia

    [engl] The best lo-fi garage album from South America? Ahead of its time raw & homemade Sixties garage, jangly pop and basement psych sounds from Paraguay! Originally released in 1971 as a private pressing, “Pops de Vanguardia” by JODI contains tracks mostly written and recorded in 1969 (with some dating back to 1966) by brothers Joern and Dirk Wenger at their homemade “Jodi Experimental Studio” in Paraguay. Joern and Dirk, born in Paraguay but of German origin, started playing in beat / psychedelic band The Rabbits, who released a very rare EP in 1969. After the group split, Joern and Dirk travelled to Germany, were they studied arts and received musical lessons from none other than Stockhausen. The two brothers had built their own homemade studio and they spent hours and hours recording songs and experimenting to create their own sound effects (echo, reverb, etc). They called their music “Spontaneous Pop”. “Pops De Vanguardia” was recorded at their own rudimentary studio with two tape recorders. Joern plays guitar, organ and he was the lead vocalist, while Dirk plays drums and percussions. From ultra-catchy garage-pop to killer instrumental Farfisa numbers and proto-psychedelic sounds. JODI could be seen as precursors of the indie-pop and lo-fi garage which would appear some decades later.
    EAN 4040824086695
    EAN 4040824086701
  • 01. Soft Soul Transition
    02. Put Love First
    03. Don't Turn On Me
    04. Brother Wind
    05. Gotta Move Along
    06. It's Love
    07. I'm A Believer
    08. She Came Back
    09. I'm Coming Home
    10. Move It On Down
    11. Happy With You Girl
    12. Lights Of Freedom
    13. Goodbye Sunshine (Bonus Track)



    [engl] Breezy Sunshine-Pop / Soft-Rock / Psych-Pop from California, 1970, featuring Peter Clark a.k.a Chet DeMilo. Crystal clear recording, awesome vocal harmonies, superb musicianship, bossa & blue-eyed-soul-jazz touches,folk-rock moves… In 1969 Chet Demilo was appearing at Donkin's Inn, Marina Del Rey, where he met Arnie Marcus and Ray Hames, who together were to become part of an incredible slice of history. Donkin's became the hottest and most famous destination in Southern California for the next seven years, and Chet was the magnet that started the new singles scene in Los Angeles with Marina Del Rey as ground zero. Arnie sat in on bongos with Chet from time to time, and Ray, who was managing an apartment complex that housed 200 flight attendants, just happened to have a unit available!! Chet moved in, and he and Ray started working on songs together. Chet suggested forming a vocal group with Arnie and SST was born. For three months they practiced the intricate vocal harmonies and in early 1970 cut the album, "Soft Soul Transition". A thousand records were pressed, and an album release party was held at Donkins where SST gave their one and only performance that night! There was interest in the project at Burt Bacharach's Blue Seas Music, but it was not to be and SST faded away...until more than 20 years later when the SST album was discovered by a new generation of DJs and collectors looking for cool and groovy sounds from the 60s-70s.
    EAN 4040824086725
  • 01. A Dream (1967)
    02. A Plea For Peace (1968)
    03. Blowin’ My Mind Over You (1967)
    04. Freeways Of Love (1967)
    05. I Don’t Care What You Do Any More (1967)
    06. Love’s Only Sleeping (1967)
    07. Morning (1968)
    08. Shell Of A Man (1967)
    09. You’re Not There (1967)
    10. Soul Diggers (1968)
    11. There’s Got To Be A Reason (1967)
    12. Summertime Changes (1967)


    Peanut Butter Conspiracy Theories–Lost Songs 67–68

    [engl] Previously unreleased recordings by Peanut Butter Conspiracy’s mainman Alan Lee Brackett, mostly written and recorded in 1967, when PBC were at their fame peak. Here, Alan explores a number of different styles, encompassing fuzzed out garage numbers, sunshine pop, folk rock and full blown psychedelia. Including ahead of its time garage–psychedelic DIY homemade recordings on which Alan plays all instruments by himself plus pro–sounding studio cuts. Featuring collaborations with songwriter Knox Henderson of Mouse and the Traps fame.
  • 01. It’s What You’ve Got
    02. There Is Nothing I Can Do For You
    03. I’m A Gambler
    04. Harry The Earwig
    05. Do I Still Figure In Your Life
    06. Uptight Basil
    07. Taking The Heart Out Of Love
    08. On A Time Said Sylvie
    09. A Good Song
    10. It’s The Way
    11. Go Away
    12. Arise Sir Henry


    Into Your Ears

    [engl] Originally issued in 1971 by Nepentha Records – presided over by Kinks/Troggs manager Larry Page – Into Your Ears is the sole full–length offering from Honeybus founder member Pete Dello (assisted by a coterie of close friends).The album is a wonderful, timeless work of incisive, plaintive folk–pop balladry and buoyant, idiosyncratic creations, led along by Dello’s honeyed voice (which eases effortlessly into falsetto) and expertly executed arrangements featuring minor orchestrations. Into Your Ears represents the zenith of Dello’s songwriting, comprised primarily of tunes written specifically for this project (supplemented by a few tracks intended for Honeybus which were re–cut for the occasion). The songwriting reflects a jovial playfulness, but also feelings of intense lovelorn longing, hope, wistfulness and moments that could serve as a great soundtrack to a break–up (with the brightness of delivery never making them ache with depression). Everything on Into Your Ears comes from personal life experiences, even if twisted through a unique prism, with the deep emotions, whimsical moments and orchestration that never clutters the arrangements all achieving perfect balance. But, above all, the songs resonate with a pure dedication to "pop" and beckon you to listen in repetition, until they’re at one with your very existence. There’s something present, timeless and at times nearly indescribable about this very special set of songs that can’t be pinpointed by simple equation. Widely regarded by Honeybus fans, ’60s–’70s collectors and anyone who’s happened into its beatific orbit, Into Your Ears is a lost classic deserving of further exposure. RIYL: Ray Brooks, Duncan Browne, John Cale’s Paris 1919, Ray Davies (The Kinks), Bill Fay, Nick Garrie, the early careers of Ralph McTell and Clifford T. Ward, etc.
  • 01. Çingeneler Masa Yapar Satarlar
    02. Çadirimin Üstüne Sip dedi + Mastika
    03. Silifkenin Yogurdu
    04. Break Döktürü
    05. Adanali Funk
    06. Kadifeden Kesesi
    07. Findik Dallari
    08. Azize
    09. Misket "Farfara"
    10. Aman Yavrum Nazlanma
    11. Konyali
    12. Kasap Havasi


    Anatolian Break Dance

    [engl] Turkish ancient melodies get an 80s electro–funk treatment on this obscure album, originally released on the Diskotür label in 1985. Probably the work of an "ad–hoc" studio band (nothing is known about the musicians), this is a delirious mix of exotic melodies and lots of analog synths, cheap Atari–styled electronic effects, distorted guitar and 80s beatboxes.
  • 01. Powersolo - Big Butt Bonnie
    02.The Courettes -Hoodoo Hop



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  • 01. Baby You're My Drug
    02. Dig My Hair
    03. I Can't Stop
    04. Not Enough
    05. I Don't Want You Anymore
    06. Bongo Fuzz
    07. Happy People Make Me Sick
    08. Nothing, You Coward
    09. Voodoo Rhythm
    10. Too Pretty To Be Loved
    11. You Will Die
    12. Let Me Spend The Night With Your Wife



    Nach 30 Jahren im musikalischen Zerstören gutbürgerlicher Werte sind The Monsters nach Toulouse gefahren, um in einen stinkigen, modrigen Übungsraum zusammen mit »LoLo Spider« von »Destination Lonely« ihr Album »M« (nach dem gleichnamigen Film von Fritz Lang aus dem Jahre 1931) einzuspielen. Üblicherweise knallen sie wieder eine Fuzz Nummer nach der nächsten raus!
    LP + CD
  • 01. THE ASTRAL ARMY - Interstellar Shortwave
    02. SPIRULINA - The Message
    03. CHRONOS – Schaudernacht
    04. NEIL ANDERSEN - Feuerwerk
    05. BAAL - No God / Astaroth
    06. TEN TO ZEN - Innerst
    07. FUERROTE - Ganz Wie Du Willst


    Cologne Curiosities - 'Unknown Deutschland - The Krautrock Archive 1972-1976'

    [engl] 'Cologne Curiosities' collects, for the first time on vinyl, all the otherwise unpublished/un-reissued material that firstly appeared on the three "Unknown Deutschland - The Krautrock Archive" CDs released on Virgin during 1996. These CD only releases were originally compiled by Trevor Manwaring (Paratactile, Impetus, Virgin, Harmonia Mundi) from tapes supplied to him by Toby Robinson. Toby - aka The Mad Twiddler, aka Genius P. Orridge - is well-known to Krautrock collectors as one of a number of engineers working at Stockhausen’s WDR and Dierks Studio in Cologne in the mid-1970's, where he assisted on recordings by many famous Kraut bands such as Can, Birth Control, Mythos or Dzyan. The recordings included here were made between 1972 and 1976 using studios in and around Cologne, produced by Toby Robinson for his own amusement, just having fun on the studio. Bands would come in for practice sessions, to record demo's, and during slack periods impromptu jams would happen. Most of these sessions were recorded by Toby, and they feature Toby himself plus a revolving cast of friends and musicians (some of them apparently big Kraut names under pseudonym). Including lost-in-time bands / studio projects like Astral Army, Fuerrote, Spirulina and Baal among others, the music here ranges from killer proto-New Wave Kraut psych to wild space rock, proto-ambient electronic, dark psychedelia and raw Kosmische sounds with lot of analog synths / Moog. It was during that time in Cologne, that Toby, along with Fluxus artist Robin Page, gave birth to the mysterious and controversial Pyramid label, for which these tracks were originally made for.
    EAN 4040824086350
    EAN 4040824086367