
  • 01. The Stump
    02. Herzieger's Mansion
    03. Rat Realm
    04. White Keys
    05. Sad Waters
    06. Pixie GF
    07. New Horses
    08. Orb
    09. The Wheel
    10. Fell In A Well
    11. Nothing Good Shall Ever Change Here
    12. Hog Gang
    13. Castle Walls
    14. Creak
    15. Worn Fair
    16. Rocking The Crypt
    17. Wet Pages
    18. Dirt Tower
    19. Long Abyss
    20. Dragonlust


    Stump Soup

    [engl] Powerplant return in 2022 with their long awaited second full length, but things are not quite what you may have been expecting. Started in late 2020 during ‘that’ time and finished this January, Stump Soup finds Powerplant taking the instrumental interludes from previous releases to their natural conclusion and have delivered an 20 track, hour long dungeon synth album. Yes, really. Theo Zhykharyev: “A year ago I landed on all these really cool left field DS releases from the mid 2010s, kind of like egg-punk of the crypt world, and it made me smile because I could go there. New timeline just got weirder, but life's a movie and I wouldn't want to have it any other way.” The album is available as a 60 minute cassette, limited to 300 copies

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    A spine / evidence

    [engl] Now grown out of the bedroom and operating as a fully functional band, London via Ukraine's POWERPLANT follow up last year's 'People In The Sun' LP with this new 5 track banger. The De
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    [engl] After last year’s Stump Soup cassette, Powerplant is back with a sharp five tracker. On every release Powerplant mutates, changes and rotates their sound and on this EP it’s no different. The rigi

    People In The Sun

    [engl] Sometimes I am bored of "new bands", sometimes I think will there ever be a band so exciting to bring me to the point of "I have to release this record asap" and sometimes there is just one answer - Y

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    [engl] Victoria’s White Collar, pulses with as much articulation as venom. This first 12” invokes the glory years of American hardcore. That razor-slash ferocity, ya’ll love. The riffs are simple and e
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    15 Minute City

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    Chewing Gum For The Ears

    [engl] Ten years is a lifetime in Hardcore Punk. A band’s ability to traverse such a lengthy stay is a testament to their dedication to this thing of ours, which in and of itself is commendable. Remaining
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    1000 Yd. Stare

    [engl] Consumption is key. War crimes in real time an arms length away, mandatory connectivity to hive mind. The common human experience is experiencing the shift. The 1000 Yard Stare is commonplace, no long

    Machine Response

    Neues Album der Kanadier nach knapp zehn Jahren, die musikalisch gerne mit frühen Hardcore-Punk Bands wie den Angry Samoans, The Freeze, Germs oder Jerry´s Kids verglichen werden. Das neue Album bei
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    Civilta Idiota

    [engl] The idiots are back with a follow up to last years powerhouse LP! Due to some wonderful visa issues the band are currently scattered around the world, but don't worry, the vibe of a midwest Americ
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