Mehr von »LIMP WRIST«
[engl] It has been nine years since their last release. Limp Wrist brings you 11 new trax of complete punk faggotry, not for the weak at heart and never will be. Comes with 40 page booklet containing lyrics,
Mehr vom Label »La Vida Es Un Mus «
[engl] Perth punks PRAG unleashed 4 tracks of unhinged mutant hardcore. The nasty sounds of this EP are a hybrid of Finnish Hardcore circa 1982, Japanese low production flexis from the ADK days and Spanish hRATA NEGRA
La Hija Del Sepulturero E.P.
[engl] One year after their “Justicia Cósmica” LP RATA NEGRA are back with a two song single of dark pop perfection. On the A side the Madrid power trio puts music to a poem of José María Gabriel y GaMOTIVE
Controlled Confusion
[engl] Hitting like a West Yorkshire stone brick to the back of the head, is the first EP from Leeds’ Motive. Brainchild of one Harry Townend, melding the noise of 80’s UKHC and Swedish Hardcore to spewFUERA DE SEKTOR
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[engl] Following their four-song demo from 2022, FUERA DE SEKTOR are back with their debut LP. Sharing members with BARRERA and ALGARA, the Barcelona-based band have carved their own sound, mixing the amphetNOSFERATU
Society's Bastard
[engl] 40 plus years after Out of Vogue and Pay to Cum came, USA HC punk has died many deaths. Only to be brought back to life wave after wave. Perhaps only to be sold again as a cleaner version of itself. HOHYDA
Pan Bóg Spe?ni Wszystkie Pragnienia Lewaków... I Dojdzie Do Katastrofy!
[engl] Hurtling out of Lesser Poland full of indignant rage and armed with defiant conviction come Lublin’s OHYDA with a third LP that puts Kaczy?ski and his PiS cronies to shame. The legacy of Polish fore