Organised People Suffer
[engl] The latest record from London's Permission perfects their thin savage sound that they've been refining for three records now. Restless manic hardcore, squirming with fury. While some hardcore attacks with sheer force or repetitive brutality, PERMISSION’s riffs whip back and forth like loose firehose, and though there may be some spiritual ancestors in the likes of weirder, more discomfiting ends of 80s hardcore like DIE KREUZEN or MECHT MENSCH, PERMISSION’s angle of attack, their style of itchy marshalled chaos, unpredictable yet never disjointed, is very much their own. (Joe Briggs)- Format
- Release-Datum
- 05.04.2020
Drawing Breath Through a Hole in the Ground
[engl] Permission storm onward with new themes of helplessness and disorientation. Ever present in their approach, aesthetic, and musical execution, the whirlwind eight songs dash on top of pogo inducing acc
Mehr vom Label »La Vida Es Un Mus «
What do you Stand for?
[engl] A brief but dense dose of simply hulking intense turmoil. Subtle terminology is trite, so to get to the point: S.H.I.T., the LP, blurs by in under twenty minutes of thrashing hardcore gristle. Gone arSIAL
Zaman Edan
[engl] Singapore SIAL return with two songs of bleak mechanised feedback laden punk. This time around their sound is moving from their usual abrasive hardcore to a more HAWKWIND-CRESS influenced setting theBELGRADO
[engl] Obraz is a deconstruction of reality to its basic forms and most primitive elements. The starting point after maximum destruction. A reconstruction towards a new reality. The world of images and aBRUX
Fills De La Nit
[engl] BRUX are back with four tracks of their trademark sound. Four flanged out hard hitting anthems, mixing the sharpest possible post punk with the roughest street rock’n’roll vocals. They keep theirPUBLIC ACID
Easy Weapons
[engl] Easy Weapons was the debut from North Carolina’s Public Acid. Originally self-released by the band in 2018 in a criminally small press of 300, LVEUM is proud to finally get it back in print. PUBL