Divine Body Care
[engl] En Kernaghan is a spiritual seeker who yearns for salvation through the world’s least hypocritical religion: rock n' roll. After his previous 12" EP on Ever/Never last year, Kernaghan received quite a bit of praise for his idiosyncratic take on classic garage-punk via covers of The Cramps and Pussy Galore, and originals which fit perfectly within such esteemed company. Kernaghan reinterprets the bump n' grind of rock n' roll through his devotional prism. On his new 7", Kernaghan ups the recording fidelity while expanding his range to incorporate psychedelic touches that have been lurking in the wings all along. "Divine Body Care" could be vintage Donovan chanting a mantra as sitar-like guitars and ringing bells conjure the atmosphere of an ashram invaded by flower-punks hellbent on transcendence. Even George Harrison would welcome such a trespass. "Things Are Constantly Changing" dives even deeper into psych rock. With it's strange stop/starts and outwardly-expanding chorus, "...Constantly Changing" is not so far from The Pretty Things and other denizens of Abbey Road Studios. It's safe to say that En Kernaghan is still walking his singular path, moving along to his own peculiar drumbeats.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 10.07.2017
[engl] Way down there at the bottom of the world, there is a young man named En Kernaghan who is devoting his life to a higher power. Make that two higher powers; and from our perspective, there ain’t none
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