
  • 01. Gone With The Wild
    02. Crime
    03. What's Inside (Never Dies)
    04. It's Nothing To Me

    Goldie Dawn


    [engl] "The lasting effect of constant exposure to the Rip Off Records back catalogue, Back From the Grave, and the general radiation of Destroy All Monsters has produced this 4 track guitar-athon. This is dripping with touches of the Electric Chairs, Kiss, and the Heartbreakers, but holds together as a blast of modern offering in the grande tradition of very loud guitars and loving rock and roll". - Jonah Falco. "You’re gonna enjoy Goldie Dawn’s debut EP. It begins with a crash of power chords. Nothing fancy, just the sound of Cheap Trick’s ‘Surrender’ being pushed down a fire escape. Almost immediately, it explodes into a bona fide garage-punk stormer, like Brian James’ finest Damned riffs bolstered by some serious bottom-shaking – yes, we’re going there – GROOVE. ‘Gone With The Wild’ sashays and slinks around, even as it feels like it’s hurtling full throttle towards your skull. It is without doubt a tremendous slice of rock and/or roll. Hailing from Glasgow, Goldie Dawn’s mighty racket is heralded by the dramatic presence of Kate Rambo on vocals – and hers is a formidable snarl, with shades of Ludella Black and A Giant Dog’s Sabrina Ellis. It meshes perfectly with the wall of sound concocted by her bandmates, equally capable of creating an addictive noise from the finest riffs in punk’s ignoble history (‘Crime’) as they are of making a jauntily moving country ballad that twangs in all the right places (‘It’s Nothing To Me’). You’ve heard all these tricks before and no one here’s ashamed to admit it; the trick is in the joy that emerges when the guitars are ablaze and Rambo’s at full pelt. Remember how the humble 7” used to feel like pop’s finest weapon on the front line? An explosive device loaded with hooks and delirium? So do Goldie Dawn. Raw, fun and… what’s that word the broadsheet writers use to describe records that feel like classics even as you’re hearing them for the first time? Oh yeah: timeless. If you’re gonna wear out your stylus, playing this on repeat for the rest of existence would be a worthy cause" Limited to 300.

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