Mehr vom Label »Drunken Sailor«
A Journey Into Madness
[engl] London / Oxford-based SCRAP BRAIN are back with a long player that expands and improves on their dirgey and unconventional brand of hardcore punk. This time around the group embraces a wall of sound aTHE STOOLS/ TOEHEADS
Watch It Die
[engl] Some cities just know how to produce bands by the bucketload. Take Detroit, for instance: we don’t need to rattle through a full list or anything, but safe to say that if your town has given the worPERSONALITY CULT
[engl] Don’cha just love it when a record sounds elegant, tasteful and charming straight off the bat? If you answered ‘yes’, better swivel on those smartly-soled heels and walk away – this is not theDARK THOUGHTS
At Work
[engl] Whaddya mean, you don’t know Dark Thoughts? They’ve mastered the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it-twice energy of that sneaky subgenre some call ‘Ramonescore’ and made it their own, revelling in hooERIK NERVOUS
[engl] 6 tracks of Vancouver, BC hardcore. Chain Whip formed in 2018 with the sole intention of playing their favorite blend of hardcore punk. Part KBD, part California beach, part grimy Vancouver. This 12"