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    TV Guide Test

    [engl] How weird can we go at the ETT hq? and the answer is - extremely weird, thanks to SET-TOP BOX. Some of the weirdest punk songs I've heard and what should i say? I freakin love it. Crack a drink, put your feed up, turn off yur brain and just relax to this TV GUIDE TEST BOX. Both tapes combined to a great full-length vinyl debut. The minimalism is monumental, the tone is dismal, and the delivery is deadpan, everything you are looking for in a first date, or your last meal. On their debut LP SET-TOP BOX siphons radiator fluid and rat piss along with a heaping helping of hopelessness and trauma into a ghastly broth of negativity that would probably cave your head in if it wasn't for that dumb skull of yours. Leave it to Diptheria Derbyshire or Kenny Logarithms, these jams are lethal and catastrophic, a level of punk danger you won't be ready for, repeatedly adding pressure to your weaknesses and reminding you how tough those synthesizers can really sound when pushed to their limit. Twelve songs of grudge-centric punk slime, run through a filter of fried armpit hair and burned out electronics, something you surely do not want to miss. Maybe you're already too late, fuck it, these guys are straight from the future and came all this way back to tell us that IT SUCKS. Hallelujah. Eggpunk, Devocore, whatever you wanna name it, we made it and here is more, but in a different way,unique, weird and over the top. Lofi, fucked up, but in a damn good way, I have no idea what those kids are doing down under, but they do it right! I just love the complete concept behind this whole thing These guys play a thumping, tough as nails, stripped down and catchy as hell brand of classic 1-2, 1-2 UK82 inspired hardcore punk with bruising vocals, sharp guitar riffs and a rhythm section that sounds like it's done a pharmacy full of speed. Gritty and loud production elevates what could otherwise be doomed to dollar bin hell. Four songs of ripping punk created by some of the key members of the Bay Area punk scene. Staying away from the epic side of things, SABRE keeps their songs catchy and punk. No fakes on this platter just punks playing what they love. That says it all. No trend, no fashion, just pissed friends shreddin' fast and loud.

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    Czech Vampires

    [engl] Jealous Yellow, of Seattle-based alt rock band Laminate, sets out to describe the true definition of insanity by means of analogue angst, grunt, and melody, on his upcoming sophomore release “Czech
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    Go! Go! Go!

    [engl] In fact we must confess that if we had to choose at this moment a reference band in the US or in AU of what many name "egg", "weird" or as we like to call it "punk" it would probably be this huge line
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    Gold Plus

    [engl] AOL released this full album and it’s definitely an… update… to the singular You’ve Got Mail song that was released towards the end of 2019. AOL out of Florida has some of the hardest, toughes
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    [engl] Cold, dark and icy post punk hits noisy, nervous and insanely driven punk. Disappointment, irritability, alienation, teen-angst, nightmares and hypnagogic hallucinations, packed on a 7". Cold and blea
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    [engl] This is Dumspell, a post-punk band coming from Hattiesburg, Mississippi. I was pretty quickly swooned by the somber, fuzzy and reverb-heavy tunes, and oddly lethargic-yet-melodic songs. Tracks like
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    1-800 MIKEY


    [engl] Garage lo-fi bedroom punk homework is done. Another banger from Down Under! Very Jay, is there something better? Catchy af - love it. This whole album is super charming, lovely. ETT has never been shy
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