- 01. Heartless Man
02. Emergency
03. Who´s After Me (C.I.A)PRIMITIVE HANDS
Heartless Man
- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 14.08.2018
Bad Men In The Grave
[engl] Get your ears around this stunner, second album by our beloved canadian troubadour Buck Hildebrand and his basement rats. Running away from life, hiding from starving polar bears, the opener "Only The
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[engl] Yes, this reference list from the all late 90´s to millenium band league which did NOT suck. You need to look very close today to find this shower of frequencies, blown-out fidelity lo-fi rock combinBRAIN TRAPS
Teen Trash Series Vol. III
[engl] "The TEEN TRASH series is back! LO-FI or bust! Teenage angst driven garage PUNK! Four early recordings from 2013 - a spawn of boredom and basement dirt which could be best described as a hornier INFECFRUIT TONES
Pink Wafer Factory
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[engl] Next exit beach! Welcome COCKTAILS with this exclusive vinyl version of their new album,"Hypochondriac". From San Francisco, California USA, direct to your bedroom, the band brings sweet power pop jamSUSPICIOUS BEASTS
Might die tomorrow
Wer bei Japan nur an J-Pop denkt bekommt nun eine musikalische Abklatsche, die es in sich hat. Das bereits dritte Album der Herren aus Nippon glänzt mit seinem rohen Garagen-Sound, dem Charme der 70eMORAL PANIC
Neues Release der Ex-Livids Garagepunx aus Brooklyn, die 10 kurze und knackige Carbonas Style-Schocker abfeuern (auf 45). Schnell hingeschrubbertes Dictators-Gitarrengewixe trifft auf Pagans und early