01. Venom
02. Cherish A Viper
03. Faint
04. Insomnia
05. Staub
06. Arrows
07. Orphan
08. Canvas
09. War Paint
10. Imbalance
11. Without Devotion
12. Draperies
13. ZivilisationSVFFER
lies we live
[engl] "First of all a note for all the people needing a breather while listening to records: that will only occure while flipping the record. Always brutal, always heavy, very fast but nevertheless playful. Svffer from Bielefeld and Münster, Germany, are continuing with their LP “Lies We Live” where the promising self titled 7” left off. For these 13 songs the genre „Emogrindmotorcyclepopviolence“ should be invented, because every other description of this thunder storm might fail. It combines violent beats, intense tunes and screaming 'til the lungs bleed. This record is catchy and stays in the mind for quite a while and at the same time it is never dull. It is like an invitation to listen devoutly, swaying rhythmically or moshing angrily through the bedroom. genre- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 30.04.2014
Mehr von »SVFFER«
[engl] this album is not to be taken lightly. Underestimate its power, approach it with inadeguate preparation, and you will be fucking destroyed by its immeasurable violence and sheer tonnage. SVFFER have bSVFFER
[engl] SVFFER from Münster and Bielefeld in the west of Germany, feat. members of UNREST and ALPINIST.Playing blackened hardcore with grindparts. Heavy, headbangable parts mixed with fast and loud powerviol
Mehr vom Label »Vendetta«
Finsterer Düster-Hardcore mit metallisch-crustiger Edge zwischen frühen Neurosis und Portland-Schule!AFTERLIFE KIDS
[engl] "born out of frustation or pure boredom afterlife kids will deliever you with their own brew of angst laden 90's worshipping hardcore with a tip of good old mosh. no tough guy images, no rockstarTHOU
Neues Album der DIY-Sludge/Doom/HC-Berserker aus dem sumpfigen Süden der USA. Haben sich tatsächlich 4 Jahre Zeit gelassen seit ihrem letzten Vollwerk "Summit" (Singles und ähnliches Brimborium nicTREES
sickness in
[engl] 'Sickness In' is the third album from Portland's most wretched, Trees. The band presents a two-song assault, each one roughly fifteen minutes in length, each a slowly rotting heap of droniSUTEKH HEXEN
"Neues" von dem avantgardistische Blackmetal-Noise-Trio aus Kalifornien. Hier finden sich folgende längst vergriffene 7inch Releases: "Ordo Advarsarial" "Dæmons" und "Shadows".