Mehr vom Label »Vendetta«
lies we live
[engl] "First of all a note for all the people needing a breather while listening to records: that will only occure while flipping the record. Always brutal, always heavy, very fast but nevertheless playful.CHAINBREAKER
[engl] potsdam/berlin based hardcore-punk outfit (with feature members of Y/SOLID DECLINE, CROWSKIN etc.). This one shows 6 aggressive, raging and pissed hardcore-punk tracks, comparable to heroes such as NWHITEHORSE / BATILLUS
[engl] two heavyweights team up for one record, australia's whitehorse deliever one long track of their brutal corrupted influenced sludge / doom, filled with strange noises ; batillus do 2 tracks of thePYRAMIDO / AMAROK
[engl] PYRAMIDO: "HEAVY." - the band is just seriously demented psychedelic-doom in the vein of Grief, Electric Wizard and Noothgrush. The band is doomy, sludgy, crusty, stoner-esque, and while their music iTHOU
Neues Album der DIY-Sludge/Doom/HC-Berserker aus dem sumpfigen Süden der USA. Haben sich tatsächlich 4 Jahre Zeit gelassen seit ihrem letzten Vollwerk "Summit" (Singles und ähnliches Brimborium nicCHILDREN OF GOD
The sun gives way to false truths
Neues Album der DIY-Sludge/Doom/HC-Berserker aus dem sumpfigen Süden der USA. Haben sich tatsächlich 4 Jahre Zeit gelassen seit ihrem letzten Vollwerk "Summit" (Singles und ähnliches Brimborium nic