Rockstar Records
- 01. Apathy
02. Down
03. Sans sentiments
04. Poverty
05. Reduce
Neue Platte der Two-Star Hotel Nachfolger.- Format
- LP lim
- Release-Datum
- 12.10.2013
- EAN 3481574500719
- 01. Cyanide
02. Dishonesty
03. Wrong Dimension
04. Without
05. Double Vision
06. No Relation
07. King Of Nothing
08. Turn To Red
09. Buildings
[engl] Ok, wow! If you liked the first LOST TAPES album you will definitely love their second record. This fantastic post punk band out of Aachen just came up with 10 brand new songs that merge the dark and punk sound of early 80's Joy Division/The Cure/Wipers with contemporary bands like The Estranged or Grave Pleasures. What the fuck is the sophomore jinx? These 4 guys are better now than ever and happily serve you 40 Minutes of inconvenient joy. Awesome.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 16.02.2019
- EAN 3481575240270
- 01. temporary interest
02. out of sync
03. gross national product a4) lamps
04. bomb drop
05. the nameless
06. touch the void
07. tempus fuckitLOST TAPES
[engl] These 4 guys are our newest gift to the world. Already having plaid in a couple of other bands over the last decades they are quite experienced musici- ans and have nally found their perfect sound together. THE LOST TAPES are combining early 80's post punk & wave (Joy Division & Wipers) with the dark sound of nowadays' bands like the Estranged, Grave Pleasures or Arctic Flowers. Very catchy echoic/reverberant guitar and vocal melodies meet prominent bass lines and straight drumming. Also, awesome cover by Roger Ballen.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 19.06.2017
- EAN 3481575053665
"Die Gruppe Messer aus Münster, das sind Hendrik, Pascal, Pogo und Philipp. In dieser Konstellation handelt es sich um vier Individuen, die ihre kulturellen Einflüsse und Sozialisationen auf verschiedenste Art und Weise gesammelt und erfahren haben. Die Schnittmenge, die diese 4 Musiker zusammengeführt hat ist schnell zu benennen: Punk. Es wäre einfach jetzt zu sagen, Messer sei eine Punkband. Das sind sie, aber im gleichen Atemzug sind sie viel mehr (Perspektive: viel weniger) als das, denn die Gruppe Messer möchte sich sicherlich in diesem Genre ausleben, steht dabei aber sämtlichen Genres der Musik, sowie sämtlichen Kunst- und Kulturformen - wie Literatur, Film oder Malerei – offen entgegen und lässt sich gerne durch 'das andere' inspirieren „Messer“, ein Instrument, dass in seiner Simplizität so genial ist und deswegen in seiner nahezu ursprünglichen Form schon unzählige Generationen von Menschen überlebt hat. In erster Instanz ist ein Messer ein Instrument, welches dem Zwecke dient zu dekonstruieren. Dabei kann es belassen werden (vgl. Messer als Waffe) oder aber, es dekonstruiert um zu konstruieren (vgl. Messer als Küchenwerkzeug). Darüber hinaus ist ein Messer spitz, scharf, präzise und auf dem Punkt. Beim Hören der Songs, die die Gruppe Messer im Sommer diesen Jahres (2011) auf ihrem „Alle Tage“ Demotape (April, Top-5 Records) bzw. auf 7“ Vinyl (Juni, Tusk Records) vorgestellt haben, wird schnell klar, dass hier keine Kids mehr am Werke sind, sondern zu Musikern herangereifte Kids. Die Musik als solche wirkt ebenso durchdacht wie die düsteren, intelligenten Texte. So dringt ein wahnsinnig treibendes, teilweise fast schon krautiges Schlagzeug ohne Umwege direkt in meine Beine. Der kräftige Bass hängt wie Blei in meinem Hals und zieht mich würgend auf den Boden, während die Gitarre (wenn sie sich entfaltet, denn sie wird auch gerne mal 'nur' als Akzentgeber fungieren), mich abholt und in eine andere Welt oder vielmehr eine andere Wahrnehmung trägt. Die warme, aber kratzende Stimme tut ihr übriges um mich in Trance zu versetzen und mich in einem Fiebertraum als sprachgewandter und schweigsamer Abel Nema durch die Gassen dieser Nacht zu schleifen. Dann ist alles auch schnell vorbei und obwohl ich nicht wirklich weiß, worüber jetzt in den Liedern, in Form von verständlichen (Wörtern) aber gleichzeitig kryptischen (Konstellation) Texten gesprochen wird, fühle ich es. Es geht um Isolation, Verzweiflung, Orientierungslosigkeit, Enttäuschung, Wut etc. pp.. Es geht um die dunkle Seite des Mondes, jene Seite die nicht zum Vorschein kommt oder kommen soll. Jene Seite, die man als Mensch gerne im verborgenen lässt. Dabei ist die Gruppe Messer keinesfalls ein Katalysator für das Negative im Menschen. Die Gruppe Messer ist vielmehr eine authentische Auseinandersetzung mit eben jenen Facetten der eigenen Empfindung und Wahrnehmung, mit den man sich nicht so gerne befasst. Eine Komplementierung. Und am Ende frage ich mich, ob es Sinn macht über die Gruppe Messer zu schreiben, wenn alles, was man darüber sagen könnte, viel deutlicher wird, wenn es gehört und gefühlt wird.. So wie es keinen Sinn ergibt, auf Fotografien von Nan Goldin tanzen zu wollen." (Dennis "Eazy-D" Woste, 2011)- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 28.06.2012
for the want of a home
[engl] Bookers and promoters use to file the Mexican Wolfboys as “Punkrock with upright bass”, “Punkabilly” or “Psychobilly/Punkrock”. But their wild blend of Punk, Surf, Country, Blues, Soul and Rockabilly refuses to fit such narrow categories. This Rock’n’Roll melting pot might rather remind listeners of other genre breaking bands like The Clash, Against Me! or The Peacocks. And indeed the Mexican Wolfboys don’t have any formula to their song writing. They just love what they do, which is hanging out, playing music and drinking beer on park benches. The band started out as a four-piece in early 2009 with Bene on drums, Lukas on guitar, Marc on vocals and Walid on upright bass. In late 2009 Jup joined in on rhythm guitar. With the completed line-up they played a couple of shows and recorded a demo in April 2010. Supporting various national and international Psychobilly and Punkrock bands in the following years the band grew into a roaring and howling live appearance. Around the turn of 2011 and 2012 the boys entered the studio again to record their first full-length. The result is “For The Want Of A Home”, an album that reflects the band’s love for guitar-driven music and captures their energy as a live band, as well as their charisma and humour. Played with just the right amount of passion and pathos, these twelve sing-alongs display a punk at heart spirit and a taste for vintage Rock’n’Roll sounds. Yeah! Beer!- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 05.11.2012
- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 05.05.2013
- 01. ReoccuRring Nightmares (Intro)
02. Into the Black
03. Shockwaves
04. Skatization Of The Christian West
05. Transition Bound
06. No Gods, No Masters
07. Past Forward
08. Baz Knowz
09. ¡sixsixsixstring!
10. Have Y'ever
11. Hotel Dawn (Tour Song)
skatization of the christian west
[engl] The rst sign of life after nearly 5 years from these ve gentlemen out of Aachen. And a lot has happened since their debut in 2012. It's still the same talented group of snotty punk rockers (members of WHEN THERE IS NONE, FOR THE DAY, SHERIDAN, DKB ...) but they got rid of the upright bass and replaced the 'psychobilly" with a solid portion of "skate". The songwriting on "Skatization of the Christian West" is sophisticated and intelligent, so are the lyrics and don't get me started on the awesome cover/artwork. 10 great songs of melodic punk rock with occasionally background choir mixed in, a Gorilla Biscuits cover and a clear message - Skate the system!- Format
- LP lim
- Release-Datum
- 17.03.2017
- EAN 3481575023545
- 01. a view for glass eyes
02. cutting room floor
03. alsatian
04. clairvoyant stare
05. factory life
06. pain as a language
07. inspirational hostility
08. invisible uniform
09. recreational anaesthesia
10. severing the spine of Confidence
11. deep freeze
12. science in reverseMISCALCULATIONS
a view for glass eyes
[engl] Featuring Members of Gaggers, Ladykillers and Disco Lepers, this band from London is the perfect combination of ’77 UK Punk and the dark guitar/synthesizer Post Punk of nowadays. It’s like singer Marco says: “it’s a blend of post punk a la Wire, Joy Divisi- on mixed with some electro in the vein of the Units, Screamers, Vicious Visions and a dose of Scandinavian / Euro punk like Mass- hysteri, Tristess, Invasionen etc.”- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 04.04.2015
- EAN 3481574728304
- 01. Sharp Solution
02. Standing On Shoulders
03. Window To A Wall
04. Shallow Water
05. I See Crosses
06. Recreating The AccidentMISCALCULATIONS
sharp solution
[engl] To all of you who eagerly waited for some new songs from the great Miscalculations - Here‘s the best news. We pressed six awesome tracks into a single-sided vinyl record and screenprinted the flipside to make this slice of plastic a really beautiful piece of art. More synthies this time and still the best blend of post punk a la Wire, Joy Division mixed with some electro in the vein of the Units, Screamers, Vicious Visions and a dose of Scandinavian / Euro punk like Masshysteri, Tristess, Invasionen etc.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 16.02.2019
- EAN 3481575184161
plastic mind
[engl] Modern Pets were born in the beginning of 2009 by four friends who shared an unhealthy dosage of despise against the south German yuppie-zone around Stuttgart, as one of many band projects they already had. After a few first shows and a demo recorded in their practice room and released by F.Y.I.T.H. Records, it happened that everyone decided to put as much time as possible into the band, rather than get into the next boring job or another pointless band and so things started getting serious…. A first 7” was recorded in January 2010 by Smail Shock in Berlin, named “Killing Sounds For Rotten People” and hit directly into the picture that was drawn by 70s UK and 80s US Punkbands before. This release, which was followed by two European tours in summer and fall 2010, sold out within a few months and two more 7”s (re-release of the demo tape and “Vista-Alienation”) emphasized their standing as one of the hardest working bands in this genre! Meanwhile located in Berlin, they put out their first longplayer on P.Trash and Concrete Jungle Records, as well as Modern Action Records in the US in June 2011. This release was followed by a 4 week European tour in summer and another 2 week tour in fall, which brought the guys to countries like Switzerland, France, Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary […] and was extremely successful, which got them also a lot of attention by the European underground music press. Again the new record was sold out within a few weeks and needed to be repressed quickly. Now here ya go with four fresh tunes for a rotting Eurotour! “They lit their snot-filled crackerjacks on their cigarette butts and throw them straight into the face of all the yuppie scum and career advisors, covering the cities in good old 77´ styled Punkrock slime! Snotty and wild Punk songs with damn fine lyrics that will leave all hipster punks drooling in their fancy drinks and pissing their designer pants in awe.”- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 28.06.2012
- 01. Ahahaha (Oh no)
02. City of Fun
03. Last Time
04. Dreaming My Days AwayNIGHTMEN
c'est la vie e.p.
[engl] The great and awesome NIGHTMEN (With Anton from Terrible feelings) are a sweet bunch of versatile musicians. After their highly acclaimed rst full length "Fifteen Minutes of Pain" which could be described as a nod to early New York's heroes (Dolls, Ramones, etc.) here's the next superb release on which the quartet from Malmo? delivers 4 songs in the vein of Buzzcocks/Replacements/Nikki and the Corvettes. But this name dropping doesn't do the band justice. NIGHTMEN are just a really good Garage/Punk/Power Pop Band and these brand new songs prove it impressively.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 17.03.2017
- EAN 3481575023552
- 01. time erases everything
02. summarized existence
03. splitting the seams
04. old departures
05. apnea
06. heartless
07. no kind of home
08. coming home
09. new beginnings
10. regardless
11. I will show you fear in a handful of dustNO MORE ART
Sorrows of youth
[engl] Whoah! After their fantastic split 7" with DOOM TOWN, NO MORE ART are finally releasing their first full length album on Rockstar Records! And it's a dream record coming true. Just think of MASSHYSTERI or GORILLA ANGREB with a touch of THE ESTRANGED. Or even better, force your head to combine the sound of RED DONS with the super sweet voice of RHONDA and you might know how awesome these 8 songs really are. Oh wait, singer Milo and guitarist Will are playing in those bands you say? Well what the hell are you waiting for then? It's like Todd from Razorcake said: "This is a slam dunk without even getting off the couch."- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 30.11.2014
- EAN 3481574701208
- 01. Won't let go
02. Ex militaryNO MORE ART / DOOMTOWN
Ein neuer Killer Track von No More Art (Ex-Red Dons, Born/Dead, ...), der erneut nach einem Mix aus OC-Punk (Adolescents) meets Schwedenpunk (Masshysteri) klingt. Super Nummer, wenn man auf melancholischen female-fronted Punk abfährt. Doom Town, gehen in eine ähnliche Richtung - schieben etwas mehr Wipers im Sound mit und haben einen adretten Boy am Mic.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 31.05.2013
- EAN 3481574430115
- 01. Afterburner
02. Set It Off
03. Privied Few
04. Fortinate One
05. Hit And Run
06. Rough and Tumble
07. Icon Parade
08. Doomtown Shakes
09. Striking Distance
10. Jack KnifeP.R.O.B.L.E.M.S.
doomtown shakes
"Die Mitglieder der P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S. sind bzw. waren unter anderem bei Pierced Arrows, Resist, Defiance, Detestation und Severed Head of State aktiv. Aber diese fünf Musiker aus Portland brauchen keine großen Namen, sondern überzeugen mit qualitativ hochwertigem, dreckigem Sound zwischen Punkrock, Hardcore und Garage. Mit einer Handvoll Alben und Single Veröffentlichungen haben sie sich nicht nur in Portlands blühender Punkszene einen Namen gemacht, sondern auch quer durch die USA, Europa und Mexiko. Im Winter/Frühjahr 2016 kommen sie mit ihrem aktuellen Album „Another Day“ für eine ausgedehnte Tour nach Europa."- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 20.09.2017
- EAN 3481575070723
- 01. acceleration
02. hypnagogic hallucination
03. hurts
04. everybody
05. moving fast
06. ambitionPRETTY HURTS
make graves
[engl] Six song shooter from this awesome new band that hails from Berlin. PRETTY HURTS easily combine punk rock with noise, melody and with different layers of post hardcore. And they get away with it! These nervous half a dozen tracks sound like an angrier version of some DC Bands during the 'Revolution Summer' mixed with post-modern scandinavian noise bands. In other words, this debut ep 'Make Graves' will probably remind you of bands like Rites of Spring, Samiam and Lower. You won't find any moments of dullness on this! Originally released in october 2014 on tape, this is the first vinyl release by PRETTY HURTS and it sure as hell won't be the last… The sleeve is screenprinted.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 04.04.2015
- 01. cold sweat
02. paranoja love
03. own myth
04. solitary whistle
05. got a beat on you
06. koma
07. past your time
08. hostility
09. ospelt
10. distressful youth
11. bliss on a leash
12. wear me out
13. athicaPRETTY HURTS
[engl] Their second release on Rockstar is also their first full length album and it's a big step forward. If you look up this band in your mental drawer, you'll find them somewhere between dirty Noise and raunchy Punk. This young trio from Berlin still delivers great quality noise but incorporates a little bit more melody into their songs since their last release. Awesome LP overall - 13 songs. All killer, no filler.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.02.2017
- EAN 3481574996642
Maximum S&M
[engl] Short and snappy, trashy and very powerful I-Don`t-Care-About Punk Rock from Scandinavia with the superior feeling of the good old American west coast punk/hc from the 70’s and the 80’s. You can’t go wrong with 24 songs in 27 minutes and titles such as “Drink & Fight”, “Crash & Burn”, “I Hate Cops” or “Trash The City”. Produced by Frank E.Male (HENRY FIATS OPEN SORE). Örebro, Sweden- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 16.10.2011
- EAN 4260016926619
- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 15.08.2007
- 01. Brutus
02. Cholera
03. Dustsucker
04. FVAsshole
05. Hurt
06. Is you Love Me
07. The Best
08. The TruthQUADER
[engl] Did somebody say stoner rock? Well, here‘s a new band from our buddies in Cologne who managed to do some mischief with SE SICHELZECKEN. This new record however is an 8 song monster and has nothing in common with the aforementioned band. Think QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, think TOOL. It will grow on you! limited to 100 copies, screenprinted cover, with insert- Format
- LP lim
- Release-Datum
- 30.08.2013
- EAN 3481574500702
- 01. Deadlock
02. Breakdown
03. Times
04. Bad TripRUBY
[engl] „Out of the ashes of great things there will rise an even greater thingy“ (Socrates). Yeah, this melody driven Punk Rock Band out of Berlin is truly one of the great things that the year 2016 had to offer. With members of Blank Pages, Idle Hands, Die Tunnel, Out on a limb, Dulac and Randy’s Ripcord, RUBY resembles the superheros of Punk Rock. Dark and catchy downstro- ke Guitars, earworm quality hooks and male/female singer taking turns are a pretty solid guarantee for a flawless Punk record. You‘re welcome.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 01.02.2017
- EAN 3481577996656
- 01. Lost In Translation
02. Looking Glass
03. Bad Luck
04. Cafe Fix
05. Room Of Doom
06. In The Ghetto
07. Bags Of Danger
08. The Voices
09. Wasted Talent
10. Memory Lane
11. Mal Pais
Sorry state of affairs
Das Quartett um Sänger und Enfant Terrible Samuel L. präsentiert mit „Sorry State Of Affairs“ erneut ein Dutzend High-Octane-Oldschool-Hardcore-Kracher! Thematisch ist der Widerspruch des ewig fremden Amerikaners in Deutschland, der seinerseits alptraumhafte Erinnerungen an die eigene Heimat hat, ein Leitmotiv der zwölf neuen Songs, die wie gewohnt keine Gefangenen machen und mit dem herrlich Rockriff-lastigen Early US-Core der Schule D.R.I., SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, BLACK FLAG oder CIRCLE JERKS jedem Genrefreund die Freudentränen in die Augen treiben.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 20.05.2014
- EAN 4250137264806
01. Fuck This Whole System
02. Bad Influence
03. Shock & Awe
04. Community Service
05. Heads Or Tails
01. EMB
02. The Game Of Life
03. Let The Pig Out
04. It Ain‘t A Party
Best at its worst
[engl] Geez. Do you remember the skateboard legend Tony Alva? Or that bald dude from Bad Religion and Circle Jerks (to be fair, Greg Hetson used to have hair back in the day)? Do you know what that singer from Dead Fucking Last, Crazy Tom, has been up to lately?- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 31.10.2014
- EAN 425013208749
- 01. Vägen Hem
02. En Andra Chans
03. Hjärtat
04. Här Ha Du Ditt Liv
05. Friheten
06. Ingenstans Fort
07. Nikotin
08. Häller Andan
09. Mellan Väggarna
10. Sekunderna
11. 17.00
Här Har Du Ditt Liv
[engl] Have you ever wondered what would happen if you start mixing the catchy melodies of ABBA and the sex appeal of Roxette with the heavenly guitar playing of the Marked Men and the attitude of Pippi Longstocking? Well, you should have done that once. Because now Sekunderna's debut album comes as a complete surprise and hits you unprepared in the pit of your stomach and in your heart. This can be dangerous, you are not that young anymore! 12 Power Pop Punk Rock songs with the very best sing-along recipe from Umeå.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 21.09.2022
- 01. Systemet
02. Tiden är en Dröm
03. Trittvaett
04. Jag Kör
05. Du är ingenting
06. Alidhem
Tiden är en dröm
[engl] Ah, the joy of sadness. Who invented it? The power pop punk rockers from Umeå! This is where this unique combination of melancholy, joy, too much snow and danceable melodies was born after all. It first arrives unsuspiciously and disguised as a simple band from the garage from around the block, but then it's more fun than a buttery croissant in the morning and it is more substantial than a freshly grated cereal. But simple my ass. 6 new songs. I love them all. If you like your punk rock poppy and your sadness hidden behind too much melody, if you like to carry your beer and your heart in cans, Sekunderna's second release on Rockstar Records is more than a rich breakfast. I guess I was hungry when I wrote this.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.09.2023
- 01. Parents + FBI = Cahoots
02. Fuck It, We’re Gonna Get Paid
03. I Think the Sirens are Coming for Me
04. I’ve Gone Savage
05. Transfixed by a Zombie
06. Get Us Out of Here!
07. The Situation is Grim
08. Just Shoot Me When You’re Ready
09. A Feral Clone’s Revenge
10. Dialogue Between a Vampire & Bloodless Aliens
11. * Hidden Bonus Track!SHRINKWRAP KILLERS
Parents + FBI = Cahoots!
[engl] With the debut album "Parents + FBI = Cahoots", Shrinkwrap Killers out of Oakland bring a load of paranoia and conspiracies to the picnic table. The sun may be shining, but the melodies in the guise of 80s Dark Wave / Synth Punk are eerily beautiful enough to darken the sky. Yes, you can dance to this, cry, drink and smash the goddamn State to this. All at the same time. A perfect mixture of The Spits, Wipers & Brat Farrar. "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you!"- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 04.06.2020
- EAN 3481575415326