[engl] "born out of frustation or pure boredom afterlife kids will deliever you with their own brew of angst laden 90's worshipping hardcore with a tip of good old mosh. no tough guy images, no rockstar shit, no fashion ... just songs that they need to play. coming from diy bands such as henry fonda, eyedestroyed, jane hoe, call me betty, theory joe, a bit of braindead & the mustard chronicles, these 4 nerds know their shit and play it well. this reminds of the wave of brutal 90s bands from germany ( loxiran , linsay , abyss , aclys , lebensreform ... ) without being a copycat."- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 25.06.2013
- 01. Anti Ritual - Ideals to the Fire
02. Slave Dogmatics
03. No Second Earth
04. The Highest Privilege
05. Blame the Victim
06. A New Discourse on EnlightenmentANTI RITUAL
[engl] ANTI RITUAL ( with members of lack, rising ... ) from copenhagen will crush your head, brutal metallic hardcore rage... , some friend said it sounds like a mix of nails and entombed...- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 30.04.2014
Paved intentions
Die beiden Franzosen gehen auf ihrem neuen Album weg vom Metal, hin zu eher atmosphärischen, fast neofolkigen Klängen. Man hört gregorianische Chöre hinter schrammeligen Akustikgitarren, Schamanen-artige Gesänge, Songs die auch auf einer Wino Solo-Lp sein könnten. Also, weg vom Ambient-Metal-Noise & hin zum Lonely-Man-Akustik-Lagerfeuer. Denkt an Steve Van Till, Horseback, Wino und Konsorten.- Format
- DoLP
- Release-Datum
- 06.12.2012
Concrete Sustain
Neues Album des gottverdammten Godzilla-Doom-Monsters aus Brooklyn, welches durch gelegentliche Industrial-Einflüsse an Eigenständigkeit gewinnt. Ein Teufelsgebräu aus Burning Witch und Godflesh, harsch und eiskalt produziert von Sanford Parker, selbst Pitchfork jubelt und nennt es "funky doom"- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.02.2013
Limitiert auf 500 copies. Monströser low-end-slo-mo-über-doom trift auf monströsen low-end-slo-mo-über-doom. Batillus (Members von A Storm of Light & Jarboe), mit drei Tracks vertreten, die locker die 7-minutengrenze knacken. Da darf man sich auch schon mal Zeit lassen, die Riffs wirken lassen, Sabbath auf Downern entdecken, oder aber die Schönheit der grollenden Vocals. Heavy as hell. Hallowed Butchery, das one-man-cosmic-doom Projekt lässt mit seinen zwei Tracks die Wände wackeln, hier ziehen sich sich EyeHateGod den schwarzen Mantel über um auf dem Scheiterhaufen zu enden. Burn, baby, burn.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 02.02.2011
- EAN 4260016927821
Repress! Ehemalige Mitglieder von u.a. Dead Beat und Narsaak kommen hier mit fiesem, massivem Doom / Sludge Sound zwischen Corrupted und Khanate, wobei das Werk passenderweise von James Plotkin von ebendiesen Khanate gemastered wurde. Drei düstere, manische Brecher mit einer Spielzeit von 45 Minuten – Ihr wisst, was Euch erwartet. Cd enthält zusätzlich 2 neue Songs von der Crowskin Split lp.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 06.12.2012
[engl] potsdam/berlin based hardcore-punk outfit (with feature members of Y/SOLID DECLINE, CROWSKIN etc.). This one shows 6 aggressive, raging and pissed hardcore-punk tracks, comparable to heroes such as NEGATIVE APPROACH and a couple more Reagan-era hardcore related bands. CHAINBREAKER are one of the better hardcore bands around germany yet, that pulls no punches. This 7" shows pure, raging hardcore-punk, with absolute no metal or emo influences. The artwork and production values seal the deal. Comes with an amazing silkscreen cover!- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 02.02.2011
The sun gives way to false truths
Neues Album der DIY-Sludge/Doom/HC-Berserker aus dem sumpfigen Süden der USA. Haben sich tatsächlich 4 Jahre Zeit gelassen seit ihrem letzten Vollwerk "Summit" (Singles und ähnliches Brimborium nicht einberechnet). Somit stellt "Heathen" auch ein sehr ausgereiftetes Werk dar. Pendeln zwischen morbider Schönheit, postrockiger Traumwandlerei und ultra-deepem, hirnfräsendem Sludge-Riffing.- Format
- 10''
- Release-Datum
- 30.04.2014
We set fire to the sky
Children Of God aus Kalifornien mit ex-Mitgliedern von Graf Orlock und Seven Generations spielen einen derbe-brutalen Mix aus Grind, Powerviolence und apokalyptischen Slo-Mo-Soundscapes zwischen Neurosis, His Hero Is Gone und Trap Them. Passend zum Sound, geht es thematisch um die Isolation an sich in all seinen Facetten.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.02.2013
Black lava
[engl] After various split releases ( with BLACK SHAPE OF NEXUS and BLACK FREIGHTER ) and compilation appearances, CROWSKIN come up with their first full length album, once again exploring the depths of slow, heavy and brutal sludge doom. The record delivers four lenghthy tracks that pend from super-sick slo-mo brutality to bulldozer grooves, from vast melancholic elegies to weird noise freak outs and even some thrash outbursts displaying the hardcore background of these doom punkers. Enjoy the feeling of being buried by a slow flooding, yet unstoppable lava of thick, black sound!- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 10.11.2011
- 01. Alcoholic
02. Nihilistic
03. Psychotic
04. Misanthropic
Five degrees of insanity
Die Jungs aus Lyon spielen düster-sublimen Down-Tempo Sludge Metal.- Format
- DoLP
- Release-Datum
- 30.01.2016
- 01. Grim Van Doom - Crimson
02. Grim Van Doom - Rust
03. Grim Van Doom - Azure
04. Cult Of Occult - Black SeaCULT OF OCCULT / GRIM VAN DOOM
[engl] "The split album by the sludge bands Cult Of Occult and Grim Van Doom starkly contrast the two very different approaches that the two bands bring to the same genre. But, if anything, that contrast grabs the listener. Cult Of Occult’s half of the album is one, twenty-two minute long track titled “Black Sea”. It rumbles like a distant demon patiently clawing its way out from hell, one massive handful of earth at a time. Plump, earthy bass tones, ominous, cymbal-heavy drumming, hellishly guttural vocals and filthy guitar distortion are set to a tempo that makes Sleep look like a grindcore band. All of these elements remain constant throughout the twenty-two minutes of “Black Sea”, giving the song an endless, trance-inducing feel. The half of the album given to German quarter Grim Van Doom is rather different. Containing three songs and a brief interlude, Grim Van Doom’s side of the album is like a punch in the face from a spiked, steel gauntlet. While all three song’s on Grim Van Doom’s side of the album cross over the five minute mark, there is still a feeling of very little fat on them; they are all lean, brutish works of harsh sludge that churn your stomach and make the marrow of your bones tremble. Pungent tones grate against your eardrums as they doll out riffs that sound as if they had been written by someone who had spent the last two decades fuming at past transgressions and plotting revenge. Having the music of these two different bands stacked side by side is an effective way of exaggerating the qualities of both. Both Cult Of Occult and Grim Van Doom create music that is firmly within the sludge metal sphere, so there is enough similarity for coherence. However, while each band grabs sludge by the throat, they do so from disparate angels. Cult Of Occult’s slithering journey through the abyss brings out the pounding, martial energy of Grim Van Doom, who in turn make the hellish sounds Cult Of Occult that much more vivid." ( the sludgelord )- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 09.02.2017
[engl] Drainland ( who released an album on southern lord recently ) offer 4 songs of noise drenched hardcore. Slow, fast, heavy and powerful. For fans of Unruh, Noothgrush and Dystopia. Trenches on the other side come with their first output on vinyl. One song that lasts for about 14 minutes. I guess they could be best compared to a mixture between Ire and Isis (Celestial period). Riffing, groove, dark and just simply great.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 10.11.2011
- 01. Civrari
02. Samoht Nara
03. L'Arvoiri Du Cüdlit
04. Rüvat Rüciaj
05. Still Life
06. Battle Of The Trees
07. Lo Coors
samoht nara
[engl] Enisum is an Italian atmospheric black metal band from Susa Valley (Val di Susa), the longest valley of Italian Alps, near Turin. They took their name from a local mountain, since Enisum is the anagram Musinè mountain, spelled backwards. The band was formed in 2006 by Lys as his personal project and self-released several demos, without any proper distribution. Finally in 2014 they signed to Dusktone label and in October 2014 their first professional full-length album entitled “Samoht Nara” was released. The band labels its music as Arpitanian black metal, a term that reveals the influences from Cascadian black metal in their sound and the significance of their homeland’s nature in their inspiration. Arpitania is a wide territory, including regions of Italy, France and Switzerland, where the Arpitan language is spoken or was used in the past. In “Samoht Nara“, Lys has the help of Leynir in bass and Epheliin in female vocals. This is the first work from the band I am listening to and I actually see it as their debut album. Enisum play melancholic nature-inspired black metal, with pagan black metal influences and post-metal references in their dark nostalgic atmosphere. Their music is based completely on their wonderful guitars and vocals, without any synths or folk instruments. They use however many acoustic guitars, adding some enchanting tranquil passages in their compositions with an almost neofolk mood. The screaming vocals of Lys are perfect for the band’s somber atmospheric music, while the few clean female vocals add another level of emotional dynamic and beauty in their songs. The rhythm of their compositions moves from mid tempo parts, to faster outbreaks and slower relaxing passages, all in great harmony. The production is very good, giving the band a very natural organic sound, equally raw and clear. Unluckily the lyrics are not available in the CD, or on their official pages, but based on the track titles, they seem to sing both in English (I can understand some of the lyrics) and in their native language. Of course the album is an ode to the Arpitanian Valley, dedicated to nature, rivers, mountains and animals around us. “Samoht Nara” is a wonderful album, that surprised me with its quality, simplicity and honest atmosphere. In my opinion it is one of the best works of this genre that every fan of atmospheric “Cascadian” black metal (and not only) should check.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 31.01.2017
Doom! Doom! Doom! mehr kann, sollte und brauch man vielleicht nicht dazu sagen. Oder vielleicht doch. Enth aus Polen spielen zähen Funeral-Doom mit leichtem Corrupted Einfluss; Amarok (USA) dagegen erinnern etwas an Thou, allerdings eine Spur zäher, mit Tendenz Richtung Khanate.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 29.02.2012
Regnum Saturni
[engl] Regnum Saturni is presented as a three-panel-foldout 2LP ( 180 gr vinyl ) w/laser etched d-side. This full-length stands the first Fell Voices album with a title assigned by the band. And it run roughly 60 minutes in length. Fell Voices have long been known as a group of individuals that create an intensely unique live atmosphere. As a trio they have the fullness and power of a much larger band, and to see them live is truly something to behold. On Regnum Saturni–which was recorded live–they have captured that density, bringing more of the live experience to their recorded material than ever before. Not only was this feeling captured in the recording, but the songs themselves have been crafted with greater power. Everything on the new album is evidence of Fell Voices taking the energy of their songs to the next level. This is raw black metal mixed with the atmospere of cascadian black metal bands such as ash borer.- Format
- DoLP
- Release-Datum
- 31.03.2013
- 01. Coerced Creation
02. Atonement
03. Beneath The Black Veil
04. Starless Aeon
06. DepressorFUNERARY
Starless Aeon
[engl] Formed in early 2013, Funerary came to pass by the adherence of five souls looking to coagulate in depression, grief, and anger. Finding solace in dwindling light, the band creates a musical presence that is powerful and progressive in the realm of doom metal by combining what can only be described as cosmic, transcending songs ridden with despair and indignity.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 19.09.2015
- EAN 5055869539432
Leute von Perth Express, Trainwreck, the 244 gl. Yeah, so muss es sein, ohne Umschweife kommen die Boys auf den Punkt, knallharte New-School-Hardcore-Death-Rock-Granaten, mir fliegt gleich der Schädel weg, es muss nicht immer Deathwish draufstehen, um einen ordentlichen Ballermann geboten zu bekommen. Krach, Wut, Zerstörung, mehr brauchts nicht für diesen Seelenklempner. Hier wird eigentlich alles in Grund und Boden gerockt, diese Jungs haben eine unglaubliche Energie. Irgendwo zwischen Hope Conspiracy, Doomriders und Blacklisted! Da brennt der Asphalt! Die LP ist einseitig bespielt und kommt mit Etching!- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 03.10.2009
The ills of life
Mööönsch, auf 33rpm klingt das ja wie Entombed. Läuft aber auf 45rpm. Das neue Album der HC/D-Beat-Posse um Leute von Perth Express, Trainwreck, the 244 gl. macht keine Gefangenen, muss sich in keinster Weise vor schwedischer oder aber amerikanischer Konkurrenz verstecken, sie ziehen alle Kaliber ihres Könnens, apokalyptische Parts wechseln mit wütenden Blasts, darüber thront der breitbeinige Rock´n´Rolf (sorry, Roll), die Gitarrenstimmung befindet sich ca. 5-Halbtöner unter Null und selbst das abschließende Nirvana Cover ("Milk it") fügt sich hervorragend ins Gsamtbild ein. Up the irons!- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 02.02.2011
Funeral rites for the living
Ryan Scott Fairfield ist Hallowed Butchery. Ein Monster. Monumentaler Low-End Doom. Black Industrial. Akustische Phasen und verrückte Synthie-Passagen. Eine wilde, aber zündende Mischung, denn die Stimmung bleibt stets dieselbe - dunkel! Hell geht´s woanders zu Werke, aber hier? Nein! Inkl. Neil Young Cover (After the goldrush). Ein symphonisches Opus, ein Walkürenritt, "...a full-fledged warhorse of doom, with a sound that is way beyond its years".- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 02.02.2011
- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 02.02.2011
[engl] "The USA-based progressive doom soloist Hallowed Butchery teams up with the French funeral doom soloist The Austrasian Goat for a monumental collaborative split 10" based upon the moral stance of self-reliance, popularized and preached by the Transcendentalist movement of the 19th-century. In a world of consumerism, conformity, religious-brainwashing, and political bullshit, these two musical geniuses refuse to merely follow the pack. This is reflected in both their lyrical content, and in their approach to their music, which is performed in solitude, and which often defies categorization. The Austrasian Goat begins the split with two songs of dark, minimalistic, funeral doom reminiscent of Ahab, Celestiial, and Nortt, but with an approach all his own. On the second of the two dirges, Ryan Fairfield of Hallowed Butchery makes a guest appearance. Side two features one epic song from Hallowed Butchery. His song is different from anything he has done in the past – reminiscent of Hawkwind-on-a-bad-acid-trip with Black Sabbath chugging cough syrup, while My Bloody Valentine snorts a mishmash of pills. The song features guest appearances from Julien Louvet of The Austrasian Goat and Brad Bolduc of Terrible Old Man. In a nutshell, "Songs of Self-Reliance and Solitude" is music for the forward-thinking, the individualist, the anarchist, the artist, and the metal-head in us all. " all records come w/ silk screened metallic paper covers - looks just intense LTD to 400- Format
- 10'' lim
- Release-Datum
- 05.10.2011