Hier findet ihr die Künstler/Bands.
- 01. Projection
02. Fight in Progress
03. Cheat & Lie
04. I am Dagger
05. The Human Bomb
06. Manarchy
07. New Wave of Nothing
08. Spider SongNEGATIV
[engl] "Finally! At long last we get a new sign of life from Oslo's ""NEGATIV"" straight from the dark vaults of Norways riot city number one! Eight new stompers that mix the anarchic chaos and rage of 1982' UK hardcore punk with the fury and raw spirit of japanese punk. All this boosted up with norwegian guitar virtuosity (…or was it madness?), stomping drums and vocal chords lubricated with gasoline and razorblades.- Format
- LPcol
- Release-Datum
- 20.07.2018
- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 20.07.2018