- 01. Bedrooms
02. Sometimes So
03. This Won't Hurt (Long Enough to Cry)
04. Summer's Gone
05. Hours
06. Vacation Freeze
07. Useless Men Think-Tank
08. (Take Me to) Damask
09. The Beat
10. Never Tell
11. The Cycle(THE) LESSER MEN
[engl] Adult-disoriented-rock-love/hate-core three-piece from Zagreb, Croatia comes of age as a quartet, embracing new synthesiser sounds to follow up on their acclaimed debut Vacation Freeze. For fans of classics like Daddys Teddybears, Glaxxxo Glance, Fruits of the Gloom and Midnight Blood!- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 22.09.2017
- EAN 8606102083945
- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 22.09.2017
- EAN 8606102083952
- 01. Lottery Score Pt. 1
02. Babies Are Born
03. Lottery Score Pt. 2
04. Comedians
05. Gentlemen in Lingerie
06. Ghostwriter 04:18
07. The Trilogy
08. Sooner or Later
09. The Shunt
10. California Dreaming Revisited
11. Endless(THE) LESSER MEN
References, Reflections: Revelations
[engl] A four-piece from Zagreb, Croatia is back with a conceptual bang! An ambitious follow-up to the widely praised "Bedrooms" record sees the band embracing the old art of referencing and quoting through all of known music history while creating their own unique presence on the music time-line. From Gesualdo to New Kids on the Block, Mozart to dEUS, (The) Lesser Men set out on a journey of embracing musical stream-of-consciousness thus to prevent self-consciousness from interfering with the quest for the actual meaning of the term 'original music'.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 25.10.2019
- EAN 705604992552
- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 25.10.2019
- EAN 705604992545
- 01. in a perfect world/re-spin
02. man on wire/re-wire
-- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 13.03.2012
- 01. E Agora Eu Preciso
02. Amarela
03. Pesadelo na Cidade
04. Nada Demais (ft. Luiz Gadelha e Joe Gomes)
05. Palíndromo (ft. Deny Bonfante)
06. Mesmo Que Mude (Bidê ou Balde)
07. Arrastão
08. Ahhh Ah
09. Dentro de Um OutonoACIDENTAL
Objetos Arremessados Pela Janela
[engl] "Objetos Arremessados Pela Janela'', debut album by Acidental was released by Hearts Bleed Blue (HBB) on May 21, 2021. “I'm really looking forward to the release of the album, expectations are high. We have a lot of cool stuff to release during the promotion, and the album itself is perfect, believe me”, says the frontman Alexandre The first single released was a version of the track “Mesmo Que Mude”, by the "gauchos" of Bidê ou Balde. According to Alexandre, the idea came about when he decided that he would include a cover on Acidental's first album. "E agora eu preciso" is the second single from the album. “This song sums up the album's theme very well, both in terms of the lyrics and the production part.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 17.03.2021
Hinter Adam Dove verbirgt sich niemand anderes als der ehemalige Chamberlain / Split Lip-Gitarrist und Songwriter Adam Rubenstein. Hier nun sein erstes Album, das aber nicht nach den letzten Chamberlain Sachen klingt, sondern mehr ein Songwriter-Pop Album ist. Mit von der Partie sind auch noch Leute von Old Pike.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 15.04.2009
- 01. Cannibale
02. Marche sur tes mains
03. Gina
04. À tort ou à raison
05. Les doigts dana la prise
06. Du bruit dans la tête
07. Juste un peu parano
08. Peur
09. Brûle lentement
10. Je n'en ai pas eu assez
11. La robe à pois
12. Si je parle dans mon sommeilADIEU GARY COOPER
Bleu Bizarre
Die nach einem Buch Romain Garys benannte Genfer Formation fesselt den Hörermit einem wunderbar zusammengestellten Potpourri aus Country-Blues, Psychedelic- Versatzstücken, dreckigem RocknRoll, Lofi -Touch und Retro-Charme. Die Texte kompromisslos französisch, die Instrumente facettenreich: Folk versus verzerrte Gitarren, schwebend-endlose Lap Steel-Loops, Keyboard, entfesselte Harmonika, hypnotische Drums und Backing Vocals, die an Country-Musik-Helden oder die BLACK LIPS denken lassen. Mit großem Feinsinn und Gewicht legend auf lyrische Finesse hat das Quartett 12 sofort ins Ohr gehende Songs eingespielt. ADIEU GARY COOPER gelingt ein Debüt, das so frisch und einzigartig ist, dass von der Ausprägung eines ganz eigenen Stils die Rede sein kann, wie er manch Anderen auch nach mehreren Veröffentlichungen nicht attestiert werden kann. Bleu Bizarre ist ein ruhiger, wundersam-schöner, psychedelischer Trip - wie eine Reise in die Karibik im Gepäck von Alain Basung und The Velvet Underground.- Format
- LP 180gr
- Release-Datum
- 25.04.2014
- 01. 1 zu 72
02. Du bist nicht allein
03. Freundin
04. Schnee
05. Ich wollt ich wär tot, Bettina
06. Nach Hause gehen
07. Schuldigung (Single Version)
08. Countrymusik
09. 1 bis 10
10. Schwarzer Fluss
11. Früh / Spät
12. Wie es sein muss
13. Patates
14. Finger
15. Insel
16. Sensibel
17. No Smiling Day
18. Junge Herzen gehen frei
19. HaHaHa
20. Feuer der Liebe
21. Too Big To Fail
22. Schaffhausen Calling
23. Ottos kleine Hardcore Band
24. Neun ExtralebenAERONAUTEN
Hits! Vol. 1
„Hits Vol. 1“ ist die erste karriereübergreifende Compilation der Aeronauten. 24 Hits aus den Jahren 1993 - 2020, destilliert aus 10 regulären Alben und einer Maxi. 24 Hits von den inzwischen nahezu vergriffenen ersten Alben bis hin zum letzten Album von 2020. Unfassbar, wie gut diese Band war. Die Aeronauten waren soulig, garagig, poppig, nonchalant und schlau. Sie hatten Trompeten und Posaunen und mit Olifr Guz Maurmann einen der besten Texter und Sänger aller Zeiten. “Hits! Vol. 1“ wird für Einsteiger*innen eine Erleuchtung und für Kenner*innen eine Bestätigung sein. Was für eine grandiose Band!- Format
- DoLP
- Release-Datum
- 22.04.2022
- EAN 4015698469752
- 01. Dieses anstrengende Leben
02. Irgendwann wird alles gut
03. Hatemails
04. Goldfish Murder
05. Du kotzt mich an jetz
06. Lamento
07. Neun Extraleben
08. Stauseegrund
09. Ballonmann
10. Junger Mann Gedichte schreibend
11. Ching Ching Wong
12. Gletscher sterben leise
13. Never Be DeadAERONAUTEN
Neun Extraleben
«Dinge gehen schief, Dinge gehen verloren», aber wir alle wissen, mit dem letzten Funken Punk im Feuer: «Irgendwann wird alles gut». Olifr Maurmann und seine Aeronauten sind zurück, sie nehmen uns an der Hand und erklären noch einmal, wie «Dieses anstrengende Leben» geht. Grandios mitreissend, sagenhaft schlau, umwerfend lustig und schonungslos ehrlich, aber nie zynisch und schon gar nie schlapp. Dieses Album ist ein Wunder, eine unverhoffte Umarmung, ein riesiger Trost. Es ist 13 Titel lang das «Extraleben», das Maurmann vor Augen hatte und doch nicht mehr bekam: Nach zwei Herzinfarkten wartete er im Herbst 2019 vier Monate lang im Krankenhausbett auf ein Spenderherz. Im Januar 2020 versagte im letzten Moment sein schwaches Herz. Ein Schock, der die deutschsprachige Musikwelt von Bern bis Hamburg erschütterte, schliesslich war Maurmann alias GUZ, selbst ernannter «Knödelbaron» und «Dirk von Lowtzow in Gummistiefeln», mit den Aeronauten die einzige Schweizer Band mit guter Position in der «Hamburger Schule», seelenverwandt mit Superpunk oder Knarf Rellöm und den andern «Dorfdeppen, die die Grossstadt neu erfanden», wie er ironisch schrieb.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 12.03.2021
- EAN 4015698677553
- 01. A Poem
02. Normalization Blues
03. Body Terror Song
04. Feedbag
05. No Justice, No Peace, No Hope
06. Mega Guillotine 2020
07. Loudmouth
08. Maggie
09. Psychic Warfare
10. Your Voice, as I Remember it
11. A Big Day for GrimleyAJJ
Good Luck Everybody
[engl] New album from Phoenix, AZ folk punk lifers AJJ! Good Luck Everybody, is a grim glimpse into the tidal wave reality of modern life in America. It’s a collection of songs that will undoubtedly stand out in the band’s 15-year catalogue; while still rooted in the folk-punk sound AJJ has become known for, the album is unafraid to delve into new territories that test the limits of what the band is capable of. Produced by vocalist Sean Bonnette and bassist Ben Gallaty, with their usual cast of collaborators (Preston Bryant, Dylan Cook, Mark Glick, Owen Evans) plus a few guest appearances from Thor Harris, Jeff Rosenstock, Kimya Dawson and Laura Stevenson.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 24.01.2020
- EAN 0667867908575
- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 24.01.2020
- EAN 0667867908384
- 01. Magdalena (Live at Rockpalast, 1982)
02. Goodbye Baby (Live at Rockpalast, 1982)
03. Jukebox Babe (Live at Rockpalast, 1982)
04. Je T'Adore (Live at Rockpalast, 1982)
05. Bongo Bongo (Live at Rockpalast, 1982)
06. Outlaw (Live at Rockpalast, 1982)
07. Be Bob A Lula (Live at Rockpalast, 1982)
08. Sexy (Live at Rockpalast, 1982)ALAN VEGA
Live at Rockpalast (1982)
[engl] The concert was filmed on June 4th, 1982 at Sartory Säle in Cologne (Germany) during the 82' COLLISION DRIVE tour. In 1981 Alan Vega had released his second solo LP under the title Collison Drive. It forms part of the "play loud! (live) music series". The “play loud (live) music series“ is based on three precepts: Alan Lomax´s work as an archivist and chronicler, John Peel´s BBC radio sessions, and the work of Direct Cinema pioneers, such as the Maysles Brothers, Leacock, Wildenhahn, Blank and Pennebacker. play loud! aims to create an extensive archive of interesting popular music and culture that includes both material from the filmmakers' large amount of unreleased footage and material from other sources. Other artists in this series: Damo Suzuki, Lydia Lunch, Floating di Morel, Hans-Joachim Irmler, FM Einheit, Faust, Die Regierung, Limpe Fuchs, Guru Guru, Friedman + Liebezeit, Camera feat Michael Rother & Dieter Moebius, and many more. Rockpalast (Rock Palace) is a German music television show that broadcasts live on German television station Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR). Rockpalast started in 1974 and continues to this day. Hundreds of rock, heavy metal and jazz bands have performed on Rockpalast. For this vinyl and DVD release play loud! has licensed the Alan Vega show from 1982.- Format
- LP + DVD
- Release-Datum
- 24.03.2023
- EAN 4042564227505
- 01. All The Best
02. Is A Train
03. Runaways
04. Crooked Ground, Crooked Ground
05. Unwashable Stains
06. February
07. Kingdom Of Ten Second Catastrophes
08. Lago
09. Harbor Of Lost Sailors
10. Everlasting Choir
11. This Is Not A Rehearsal
12. Fetichism - A Married MonkALONE WITH KING KONG
Bedroom-sized Doomsday
- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 04.12.2018
- 01. Hell-Oh Sixty
02. Too Old To Be So Crazy
03. O Anjali
04. Dylan In Dubuque
05. Requiem
06. Bangs
07. The Farewell Tour
08. Bad In A Good Way
09. Bricks
10. Heart Is A Muscle
11. Last Night's RainbowAMY RIGBY
Hang In There With Me
[engl] US singer-songwriter legend Amy Rigby will release her new album 'Hang In There With Me' through Tapete Records on August 30, 2024. Eleven up to the minute songs written by Amy and recorded by Wreckless Eric at the couples home in upstate NY, Hang In There With Me is a bracing look at life inside the vortex of the last few years. Mortality, aging and youthful missteps refracted through Amy's insightful lyricism emerge not wistful but resolute even triumphant. Rigby's distinctive voice bluntly traverses love, loss and DIY projects gone wrong over guitars cranked or shimmering, indelible bass lines, a raft of synthesisers, keyboards, beat boxes and the occasional drummer allowed into Amy & Erics rustic mid-century echo chamber.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 06.09.2024
- EAN 4015698120172
- 01. Paralyzed by Paradise
02. Tunnel Visions
03. Spot That
04. Silly
05. Not a Revelation After All
06. House Cleaning Song
07. Another One About Watching TV
08. Another One About Shift Work
09. Couldn't Care Less
10. On a BranchANDRE BORGEN
Hands and Feet
[engl] It has been a while since André Borgen released an album in the lo-fi popish rock genre. After a period of re-releasing old albums, guest appearances on albums from artists such as Center of the Universe, collaborative releases on the more experimental side of things he has compiled a collection of amazing new tracks that turned into 'Hands and Feet'.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 09.11.2018
- EAN 7041880996796
- 01. Chrome Temple
02. Glass Ceiling Universe
03. Jovian Sky
04. Downward To Greendeep
05. Pulse Garden
06. The Cloud Fortress
07. Desert Light
08. Metamammal
09. Chromosome Choir
10. Welcome, DestroyerAPPRENTICE DESTROYER
Glass Ceiling Universe
[engl] Recorded completely in secret, one track at a time at Guitar Center, Apprentice Destroyer’s debut Glass Ceiling Universe transcends its immediately intriguing concept to highlight a hyperactive and omnivorous talent within. These are wide ranging, kaleidoscopic instrumental compositions, veering from disorientingly complex to achingly and delicately beautiful, but always with a metallic, misanthropic edge, as if these are computers playing to each other across the Guitar Center sales floor, laughing at the puny humans attempting to create harmonics in air as they can do so perfectly in the vacuum of binary. It’s lifestyle music for all you cyborg assassins out there. Colored vinyl edition is Titanium White and comes in a special limited edition metallic jacket.- Format
- LPcol
- Release-Datum
- 01.08.2015
- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 01.08.2015
- 01. Forecast Paralyzed
02. Cold Jet Steel
03. You Stayed Behind
04. Golden Roan
05. The Sound
06. No Sympathy
07. Aquarian Blood - 07 - Flying Home
08. On to See
09. Counting Backwards Again
10. Wildcat
11. To Stay
12. Ever and EverAQUARIAN BLOOD
Counting Backwards Again
[engl] American lo-fi punk band from Memphis, Tennessee. This is the third part of the trilogy that began with 'A Love That Leads To War' and continues through 'Bending The Golden Hour,' this record represents the resolution of this leg of the trip that has unfolded over these three albums. 'Counting Backwards Again' reflects even more of the sounds and images of our travels through the ever-desirable 'No Service' remoteness that stretches throughout the mountain west where the loudest quiet that can be found exists. The open spaces point back to true north no matter which direction we are facing- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 17.07.2024
- 01. Day Tripper
02. Mr. X / Modern Technology
03. Ricky's Hand
04. I'm Your Money / Tora Tora Tora
05. Cold
06. Day Tripper (Instrumental)
07. Mr. X / Modern Technology (Instrumental)
08. Ricky's Hand (Instrumental)
09. I'm Your Money / Tora Tora Tora (Instrumental)
10. Cold (Instrumental)AREU AREU
[engl] Under the name AREU AREU, the two CAMOUFLAGE musicians Heiko Maile and Marcus Meyn released a 5-track EP in 1992, which is now being re-released in an extended version and for the first time on vinyl. In 1991, a friend and companion of Heiko Maile and Marcus Meyn, the photographer Reiner Pfisterer, celebrated his 24th birthday. Instead of records or books, the two CAMOUFLAGE founders planned to present the birthday child with a performance by a band formed especially for the occasion and launched AREU AREU. After CAMOUFLAGE had just released their rather acoustic sounding album "Meanwhile", Maile and Meyn were more in the mood for purely electronic music, so this side project was just what they needed to play around with the electronic gear they had accumulated in their studio in the centre of the small town of Bietigheim in southern Germany. The result were cover versions of songs that had always strongly influenced Maile and Meyn: We hear "Day Tripper" (BEATLES), "Cold" (THE CURE), FAD GADGET's "Ricky's Hand" and a two-song medley of "I'm Your Money" (HEAVEN 17) and the DEPECHE MODE classic "Tora! Tora! Tora!". In addition, several versions of their legendary German-language song "Mr. X" were worked out. A few weeks after the party, Maile and Meyn told their A&R manager about the project, and in 1992 a small number of tracks were released in a small edition on CD. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of this release, the complete work of AREU AREU now appears on an album for the first time and we can state: AREU AREU created the perfect soundtrack for a party in the hot summer of 91: AREU AREU are danceable, unpolished and wild.- Format
- LP red
- Release-Datum
- 18.11.2022
- EAN 4015698141382
- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 18.11.2022
- EAN 4015698141382
- 01. Born Losers
02. WannaBe
03. Hey Allie
04. Why Do We Dance?
05. Love Is For Fools
06. Plastic Punk
07. Yesterday
08. Westbound
09. (Always Gonna) Be My Girl
10. Dive Right InAUTOGRAMM
Music That Humans Can Play
- Format
- LP pink
- Release-Datum
- 16.01.2024
- Format
- LP blue
- Release-Datum
- 16.01.2024
- 01. Elizabeth Stride
02. Dirge
03. Hell Bent
04. As Luck Would Have It
05. Pardon My French
06. Stone Like A Heart
07. In The Eye Of The beholder (For Rhys)
08. Sermon On Competition, Part 1 (Nothing Is Recoupable)BAND OF SUSANS
Here Comes Success
- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 06.12.2019
- 01. Disco Cowboy
02. Who's Your Daddy?
03. Something I'm Not
04. Dangerlust
05. Wild Life
06. Dog Days
07. First Thing That I Found
08. Le Mansion
09. Lover's Lane
10. Somewhere ElsewhereBASH DOGS, THE
Disco Cowboy
[engl] Cheers to the years! A spirit of exploration, of love and unity - a musical philosophy Los Angeles quartet The Bash Dogs keep alive with their surf disco, but also their pure devotion to the art form. After cementing their status as the hosts of the grooviest party in town, The Bash Dogs are gearing up to release their debut album. With a new member, a new vibe, and new songs made to get people moving and grooving all night long, the next chapter of the Dogs starts now. As the Dogs’ realized their talents could expand far more than just 12 bar blues and guitar solos, they decided to develop something new. Coming from the city where surf/garage/psych bands are never in short supply, the last few months had felt repetitive and stale, like the band was idling. Trying on some dance-floor rhythms and sugary bass lines more influenced by classic funk and disco, their sound transformed. With the spark of this newfound energy and the space to push their songwriting and playing to new levels, Surf Disco was born. As you can taste bits and pieces of the classic and memorable rock n’ roll sound the Dogs grew up on, this newborn fusion they have created is guaranteed to get you off your feet and it is reflected in the sophisticated groove changes and experimental structure of 2020 single, “Dog Days”—funk guitar and buttery vocals pointing to a refined, more mature sound that the Dogs are ready to further unveil. As soon as the unmistakable groove and the synth waves hit you, there’s no denying it’s slicker, it’s glossier, and it’s the perfect soundtrack for “boogie nights and disco parties.- Format
- LPcol
- Release-Datum
- 11.03.2022
- EAN 0791689448381
- 01. Portraits
02. Planted
03. Around
04. I
05. Through Nights
06. Turned Away
07. II
08. Brood
Turned Away
[engl] Bedroom Eyes is the New Hampshire-based quartet of RJ Murphy, Adam Meran, Danny Boyd and Rob Skelly. With a sound evoking the reverb-soaked jangle of Creation Records and the shimmering noise-rock of late 80s Slumberland gems, Bedroom Eyes have been steadily releasing an impressive output since their 2012 debut, What Are You Wrong With. Following Honeysuckle (2015) and Nerves (2019) Bedroom Eyes' skillful hybrid of articulate guitars and squealing feedback culminates here with their latest full-length Turned Away, releasing fall 2023 on à La Carte Records.- Format
- LP clear
- Release-Datum
- 23.04.2024
- EAN 197744857868
Muss ich noch Worte über die Frau verlieren? Über die Sängerin, Schauspielerin, Entertainerin, Gitarristin, Aktivistin? Nein - sie ist immer noch grossartig und gewinnt mit jeder Aktion an Brillianz. Sie zeigt erneut, dass Politik oder das Gewissen auch musikalisch sein kann, dass mit dem Groove im Hintern die guten Ideen viel leichter über die Lippen gehen. Politik bedeutet hier aber erneut nicht Agitation sondern Fantasie, im Privaten und Persönlichen, verpackt in Aphorismen und Geschichten und unbedingt in einer tanzbaren Mit-Swing Nummer. Analoger ist es geworden, war "la Beat" ein Tanzboden Feger, ist "Machinette" klassischer; die Rhythmen kommen nicht aus dem Computer, die Bläser sind warm, und die Beats dubbig. Es ist dichter gewoben, weicher und runder, analoger eben. Und das erstaunt nicht wenn man weiss, dass das Album Co-produziert wurde von Joachim Irmler, dem Orgler der Krautlegende Faust. Weiter mitgearbeitet haben Knarf Rellöm, die Aeronauten Bläser, Tim Isfort, und ein Haufen anderer. Hat "la Beat" vom ersten Ton mitgerissen so wächst die neue Platte mit jedem weiteren Hören. Obwohl man sofort Bernadette erkennt, zeigt sich hier eine weitere Facette dieser extraodinairen Künstlerin. Ein Muss für FreundInnen guter deutschsprachiger Popmusik.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 18.03.2011
- 01. Retki bilki
02. Dojde z?ivot
03. Ne sme fini eden so drug
04. Mojata Marija
05. Vez?baat drz?ava
06. NATO vleguva vo Skopje (ft. Volk Makedonski)
07. K?erka na gladot
08. Nis?to nema da ne? razdeli (ft. Mike Watt & Toni Kitanovski)
09. Zloben fank (ft. Stojche)BERNAYS PROPAGANDA
Vtora mladost, treta svetska vojna
[engl] The unstoppable Macedonian dance-punk powerhouse Bernays Propaganda, a long-time underground favorite known for its community-minded stance, presents its 5th full-length album with the well-timed title ‘Vtora mladost, treta svetska vojna’ (2nd Youth, 3rd World War). The new LP brings forth a collection of groovy, radio-friendly, dancefloor-ready and socially conscious jams. As a collective, which has always felt strong about thought-provoking political observations on issues such as civil disobedience and human rights, they proved time and again that theirs is a political dance. Defined by catchy pop songwriting and stripped-down production, the album inventively blends influences of late 70s and early 80s post-punk, new wave, alternative rock, Detroit electro, and Balkan folk music. Skeletal dance-punk and electro grooves are combined with minimalist bass riffs, pulsating synth lines, and Kristina Gorovska's spellbinding voice and lyrics, resulting in a hip-shaking mixture of dancefloor and protest anthems. Some songs are characterized by traditional brass stabs and percussive interplays often found in Emir Kusturica's films, others are more ‘driving down the highway, sunshine in your eyes’ kind of tracks, while a few are simply early morning feel-good jams. There are even two electro-tinged tracks that could easily be played in a techno club. Stylistically diverse but sonically condensed, this collection of songs is pop done just right. But despite its mostly upbeat tone, the album is not all roses. Lyrically, it is a social commentary, offering an insightful perspective into Macedonian politics and everyday life as well as into the internal struggles arising from society’s crushing expectations that poison our personal relationships. Bernays Propaganda has always been a public-spirited band, but here they succeed in bringing together the themes of political and domestic violence as two faces of the same coin. The world is polluted with damaging beliefs and sick ideologies, yet there are still some rare flowers growing. Despite the gloomy prospects, it is all about having a winning attitude.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 04.09.2019
- EAN 705604992538
- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 04.09.2019
- EAN 705604992521
- 01. Outside Over There
02. Wir sind die RoboterBEYOND LOUIE
Dual Visions
[engl] Somewhere in a remote place called Hawkfield, not far from the city of Stockholm, Sweden, music, dreams, visions, goblins & robots, come to life. There are stories to tell, signs and paths to follow, towards the horizon and beyond. Beyond Louie (Love Jonasson) is a singer and an artist who creates tunes and melodies on synths and guitars. On this recording he’s joined by Frank E. Male (Henry Fiats Open Sore), guitar and bass, Staffan Zeroboy Fagerberg (Vidro), drums and Li Jonasson, backing vocals, the daughter of the artist. Beyond Louie has been an active musician since the 90s as a singer in the Stockholm based garage band Sons of Cyrus, the Berlin band Ray Omega and different music projects like Last Crusade. Beyond Louie is the artists new solo project. This single is the first release, two songs that show two sides of music.- Format
- 7" lim
- Release-Datum
- 19.03.2021
- EAN 4260016922048